Wants And Needs

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Dabi Pov

I was heading back to Hawks' apartment after spending the night with Toga. We talked throughout most of the night, I explained the argument I had with him and she just told me to tell him everything. I finally arrived back at his door having no issues walking by the front desk. I hesitantly knocked and waited for him to open the door, although I can just walk in myself, something ate at me to not force myself inside. The door opened and the blond male stood quietly at the frame, confused as to why I didn't let myself in.

He stood there unmoving, staring blankly at me with his dulled eyes. I looked away and towards the floor as I shifted my weight under his stare, uncomfortable with the feeling. The feeling was weird and awkward and not something I could easily explain. Toga had said explaining what upset me would be hard and I figured out on the way here that it wasn't necessarily anything, or at least something stupid that normally wouldn't anger me at all. I figured it was because I built up a lot of emotions over time and it just slipped out.

"You coming in or are you just gonna fucking stand there?" He asked, moving out of the way and allowing me to step inside.

I was curious as to why. He seemed angry at me, and yet he didn't even try to close the door and fight me, even letting me in with ease. Toga said he will most likely not let me in, or if he did I would have to explain myself. I sighed, knowing one way or another I would have to. I hated it this way, but I want to get him to trust me enough to not fear me, or maybe fear is the right reaction to me. Hawks waved his hand in front of my face, trying to grab my attention.

"I asked, why are you back?" He crossed his arms, leaning against the counter top of the kitchen.

I hesitantly looked around, purposely avoiding his eyes. Deep down I thought the longer I could avoid his eyes, the longer this conversion would not be brought to light. I bit lightly on my tongue as if to hold it in place and not let myself speak. I finally brought my eyes to meet his; they were cold, cautious yet they waited patiently as if they already knew I was struggling with an answer. This was not how this played out in my head earlier. Dabi pull yourself together, just say it like how you practiced with Toga.

"I um...." I paused and lost the train of thought, looking back to the ground and cracking the knuckles on my one hand with itself. The other found its home in my pocket. I saw him step closer and I took one back, bumping into the couch and realizing there was no escaping the conversation now.

"I wanna talk-"

"I want you." I cut him off, my mind instantly throwing my pride out the window. Dammit Dabi, that was not how we did it before!

"You... What?" He took a couple more steps closer to me, our bodies only a foot or two apart. I looked up and straight into his eyes, they were filled with confusion. I swear something in my body just snapped, all self restraint I had in refraining myself from kissing him was lost. I brought my hands up to his face, one lightly grabbing his chin while the other slid around his back and onto the back of his head, tangling in his blond hair. I felt his body tense as I pressed my lips into his, closing my eyes so I didn't have to see his reaction. I didn't want to see it, I wanted to feel it. I lightened the kiss after not feeling anything from the other male, his body was still tense in my arms and I pulled back slowly. A string of saliva connected our mouths before being pulled too thin and breaking as I pulled away.

"Th-that was... Something..." Hawks said softly, before turning slowly and walking towards his bedroom. I on the other hand wished he had done more, or said more. I wanted to know what he thought about it and I wasn't gonna take no responses.

"Feathers! Wait please." I hurried to his side before he disappeared into his room. He turned with a blank expression, as if what we just did didn't phase him at all.

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