The Maid Has Feelings

752 23 11

Dabi Pov

We should lay low for a bit, streets are getting too risky. -Dabi

Did you and Toga get any blood? - Shigs

Don't worry shigs we got it, risky like Dabs said is all. - Toga

Agree, we should lay low. Stay in pairs and go to different league hideouts. - Shigs

I was confused why Toga lied to Shigaraki about getting any hero blood. I was the one who ran off and didn't end up helping her. Then again, there are many heroes on the streets today, either helping in snow removal, or accident victims, so maybe she somehow managed on her own.

I visited the pool store and grabbed the chemicals I needed, and already grabbed some alcohol first, and now was heading to a convenience store that was more or less like a black market. It had a few food items and snacks, but more tools gangsters and villains would need, like guns, bandages, and a few explosives. I walked to the back of the store and made my way over to the gauze and bandage wraps, something I needed a bunch of for Hawks' wings and body.

The door opened and a small chime was heard, letting the cashier know another person had entered. I looked down minding my own business when a certain pig-tailed blond girl walked around the corner.

"It was nice of you to leave me..." The small blond said harshly, grabbing some gauze and bandages for herself. Her free hand clutching her bleeding shoulder.

"You're alive aren't you?"

"Bitch." She replied, laughing right after.

I rolled my eyes and went into another aisle. Grabbing some ointments that helped with burns, in this case hoping they helped Hawks' frostbite burns. Toga followed close behind me, grabbing some stitches and a threading needle, and disappeared into another aisle. I walked to the counter and finished grabbing the last of the items I needed.

I started walking back to Hawk's apartment with the small girl behind me. The snow starting to get heavier, covering the ground faster than the trucks plowing it.

"Did you get the blood?" I turned my head over my shoulder, seeing her in my peripheral vision.

"No thanks to you."

I smiled, and continued walking for another twenty minutes, with the blond girl in pursuit. We finally arrived at the entrance to the apartment building, and I quietly pulled the injured Toga aside.

"You should go around back, I'll open the door for you." I whispered.

She looked at me with a confused expression on her face, but didn't argue. I'm sure she was wondering why I won't be sneaking in as well. We parted ways and I walked to the front desk lady.

"Hello Demi, I would like a key to Hawks' penthouse apartment please." I asked in a low voice, knowing the other receptionist wasn't aware of Hawks' status of being alive and free. Demi looked around to the sides carefully before looking at me.

"Um... How do you know my name? And you are certainly not receiving a key card for that room." She replied snarkily.

I tapped my finger on my chest, mirroring hers where her name tag was attached. She ended up looking embarrassed about the nametag, but still had a questioning look on her face. I could tell she didn't trust me, not completely anyway.

I rolled my eyes a bit, "I'm his private nurse?... You sent an email about it, remember?"

"Oh.." she looked down at her computer, typing something unknown to me on it before continuing, "Thought his nurse would be a female. You also don't look the part."

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