Encounter After Encounter

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Hawks Pov

I left AU leaving All Might at the entrance, feeling kind of bad for him as he was trying to help and I had refused it. His injury was far worse than mine, and driving with that injury with no help from recovery girl was no easy task.

I continued down the sidewalks of the busy city, the occasional woman gawking over me. I waved at a few others while walking down the next street and waiting for the light to say that pedestrians can cross.

"Hello Hawks!! Do you mind if I ask what happened?" This saddened girl beside me said, referring to my bandaged wing.

"Ah. Yeah I was cooking in the kitchen and my wing caught on fire from the stove." I replied cheerfully, hiding the truth the best I could.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry about that." She said frowning.

"Oh don't worry about me, I may be clumsy but I do fight villains pretty much daily." I placed my hand on her shoulder and winked. Receiving a happy smile from the small girl.

The cross walk turned to green, allowing pedestrians to start walking, and the girl's mother took her hand and led her across, with me not far behind giving a wave goodbye as they turned down to the right, and I stayed on my path straight.

I kept walking until I felt more of my energy drain, turning down this sidewalk and that one. I was only a few blocks away until I heard an explosion two blocks down to my right. Another robbery? People nearby started screaming and running in the opposite direction, as I ran down to where the action was coming from. Suddenly hearing a bunch of smaller cries, cries from children. Did the explosion come from the elementary school? I panicked more when I arrived, most people had left the area but a few kids were trapped in the surrounding fenced area of the school's property.

I climbed the fence and popped myself on the other side running toward them. The three kids were huddled together and I was too focused on them to see the large Nomu that stood at one of the entrances to the school, blocking the closest exit to the yard. I heard faint screams within the school as I began to look around, glancing at the kids, seeing one in an All Might T-shirt. One child looked to have some sort of legs like a kangaroo, for the others I couldn't tell if they had quirks of their own or not.

"Hey, you. What do you wanna be when you get older?" I asked the Kangaroo legged child, trying to calm him down at the approaching Nomu.

"I-I wanna be h-hero." He replied between sobs, holding the other two kids closer.

"Do you think you can be brave for me? You have a pro hero here to help, but I can't do it alone." I said calmly, smiling down at him.

"I-I don't know."

"Can you hop over the fence with your friends? You'll be safe on the other side," He nodded at my question and replied more calmly, "I can, but not both at the same time."

"It's okay, any bit helps." I shifted my gaze to the Nomu who was almost a few feet away now. "All three of you head to the fence, he'll want me over you." I said, standing in front of the tall Nomu as it growled it's sharp teeth at me.

I heard the kids behind me shuffle to the fence as I began quickly unwrapping my burned wing. I Hardened my wings as I felt the sting in my right and glanced at it. None of them hardened. The Nomu swung it's large claw-like hand in my direction and I tried moving out of it's way, unfortunately a lot slower than normal as I'd normally use my wings. Shit! She told me I still needed time to recover and that I wouldn't be able to fly until at least tomorrow. I held my side where the middle claw struck, fortunately the others were just shy enough to only cut my clothes and not my skin.

I moved quicker this time out of the way from another swipe from the large Nomu, looking out of the corner of my eye to see that the kids were now running across the road and away from the school. Thank god. I used a few hardened feathers from my left wing and made them stick into the giant hand and pinning it to the ground. I jumped on top of the creature as I enlarged a hardened feather to create a sword, holding it in my right hand and stabbing the creature in the back, straight through what you would normally be a heart. If it did hit it's heart, that's definitely not the way to kill the Nomu.

It violently shook its body causing me to lose my balance. I tried to use my wings to fly a little and regain my balance but the sting in my right wing made me hesitate and that was a mistake. The Nomu took my hesitation as an opportunity to break free from my hardened feathers, grab my already injured wing and throw me into the ground. I hit the ground hard knocking the air out of my lungs, trying to gasp it back in just as the Nomu landed its food right where Endeavour kicked me earlier. In which I winced, trying to hold back the scream of pain in the sake for any civilians nearby. I only need to hold It off for a while longer, the other pro heroes will be here soon.

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