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Dabi's Pov

It's been about two weeks since Shigaraki gave me a solo mission, as well as one week with the new Nomu that has been missing the entire time. Frustrated and exhausted I gave up on looking for it and was heading back to our secret base. I hung low to the shadows and passed by many people, who were not focused on me, but on the news screens on the large jumbotrons that hang from the sides of buildings in the downtown area of the city. 

I vaguely heard the name Hawks and it grabbed my attention, just as it did to many other civilians. I glanced at the jumbotron and the news that played out on the screen. One of the number two heroes in the world has been missing for a week followed by a haunting video that I wasn't even sure they could play on the news, one of Hawks being brutally beaten. I gulped as I knew exactly what Shig would ask me to do when I got back. Torture him.

I quickly maneuvered down the narrow streets and back alleyways far from the downtown area. Kurogiri suddenly opened a portal with his quirk allowing me to get to the base faster. I stepped through to the other side where the rest of the gang sat, minus Spinner. 

"So, Dabi. Did you find what I asked you to do?"

I nodded. I then raised my hand showing four fingers.

"Oh, only four? That's okay, I was hoping for more..." Shigaraki said, turning away in his swirly chair.

"Pro hero Crust, Ragdoll, Pixie-Bo-" I was cut off by the sound of a scream. The distant cry echoed through the building sending me small shivers down my spine, unnoticed by the rest.

"And who, I wanna hit them around Christmas, when they all return home."

 I thought for a second, about what I saw on the news. Hawks! He didn't ask me to torture him? 

"That's only three hero's you found addresses to. Who's the fourth?"

Eraserhead... "No, there were only three, sorry. Finding addresses to Pro Hero's is hard, even their agencies don't have it listed." I replied, sighing as I heard another cry of pain echoing down the hall.


"Shall Dabi come too? Would you like to see the new toy we got?" Twice asked both Shig and I separate questions.

Shigaraki followed Twice as I followed them. I have never been fond of torturing someone myself, if they're going to die then I'd rather do it as quickly as possible. They rounded a corner of the prison that led to cell blocks C and D, passing the armored doors that led to the open fields to what used to be used as free outside time for inmates. 

"How'd that new Nomu I gave you work out?" Shig asked as we headed down another corridor starting into block D.

"Not good... For an intelligence quirk it doesn't seem to follow any orders, much less stay with me." I grumbled, hearing a louder scream from what could almost be the next room. 

We finally entered the main area of cell block D, many rows of open and unused cells lined the open area and a wire gate at the far side is where the other two were headed.

"Think our new toy might have killed it, stupid weakling..." Shigaraki muttered in annoyance as Twice unlocked the metal gate and was once again heading down a much narrower corridor, to a small room. This small room had no windows and was most likely used to stick inmates in for solitary confinement. I stepped forward, hearing a soft splash under my boot.

I looked down to see the dark red liquid drip off my boot. "That's fucking disgusting." I hastily said, shaking my boot before taking another look. A small light hung over the middle of the room which held the winged man. I could tell they have been at it for the whole week he's been here.

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