Reunion B

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Dabi Pov

"Can you put me down? This is embarrassing as fuck!" I said angrily on the back of the tall grumpy teacher.

Our small group stepped inside of UA's dorm rooms, entering the main living space among the students. I tried wiggling my way out of his grip, but to no avail.

"Relax, I did ask him to..." Hawks spoke quietly, I knew he felt bad. It was true, a couple of blocks away from the school I was leaning too much on him, relying on him to get off my foot. Eventually being unable to keep up with them until Hawks asked Eraserhead to carry me, both of us were reluctant on that idea but hawks begged him to.

He brought us upstairs to the top floor and found an open room next to my brother. He dropped me on the bed harshly.

"Asshole." I muttered quietly.

"You're welcome." He sarcastically replied. He crossed his arms in front of him as Hawks sat down beside me, cuddling right under my arm.

"Be nice." The blond said to me, lightly poking my face. I rolled my eyes and didn't want to say thanks, especially to a hero. I had noticed I wasn't placed in the basement of this place in that cell-like room.

"Morning is in a few hours, so get some sleep for now. We can talk about this execution later. Right now I need to see the details on it." He quietly said, rubbing his face as he spoke. He headed for the door and shut it behind him.

I turned and looked at the blond beside me, I smiled as he looked up at me with tired eyes. I'm so happy you're back! I tightened the hug slightly and kissed the top of his head as I thought. I kicked my shoes off and gently laid back, the other following suit.

We settled in the bed, pulling the soft blanket over the winged man as I would most likely get too hot. Our bodies intertwined with each other naturally, my arm snaked around his thinned waist, trapping him from leaving, not that he would any time soon. The atmosphere of the room was soft, warm and welcoming as the other faded quickly into sleep in my arms. I soon drifted to sleep myself, finally having comfort in my life.

Hours had passed and I slowly got out of his clutches. I looked down while he still slept. He's so adorable when he sleeps! I could just stare at him all day. His soft lips parted slightly as quiet snores sounded from him. His hair tangled and stuck to the pillow because of the static. He groaned and shifted a little as he felt the weight of the bed lighten. I really didn't want to leave him.

I limped carefully down the hall to the elevator, my foot still aching as only a couple hours off it wouldn't do anything. I need more painkillers... As soon as the door opened I heard the commotion from the other room, loud voices of the teens talking in the main room. I sighed heavily before I turned the corner.

A couple of the teens immediately stopped talking and stared at me with confusion, shock and well... They were ready to fight. The very loud yelling came from the blond teen in front of me, who hadn't noticed my presence yet. The others who already knew I was here just shrugged it off, with one exception, the pink haired girl. She was vibrating on her seat with excitement. I rolled my eyes and stood behind Bakugou, who was blocking most of the way into the room.


"Don't worry Bakubro, they aren't looking at you." The redhead replied, "Not sure why he's back though?" He looked over to Shinso and my brother.

"Please tell me you guys have painkillers." I grumbled.

"OI!" He shouted as he turned around. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!?"

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