Hurt Dabi

600 21 3

Hawks Pov

The clock ticked on and on as I sat in the darkness of my room, waiting for Dabi to come and force me to eat. But he never came. Instead; I walked around the apartment, searching every room and closet to find some sort of trace of him anywhere. Weird... I never heard the front door open. Hours had gone by while I contemplated going out and searching for him, but figured he was most likely doing illegal things. I looked at the alarm clock that sat on my night table next to the bed and read 11:36pm.

I shrugged it off about finding the missing male and went back to what I was secretly excited for; watching the Christmas Eve fireworks at midnight from my hottub. I smiled at the thought as I grabbed the silky gold colored house coat and a towel and brought it outside, placing it next to the hottub. I shivered as I felt the cold air of winter spread down my back, and small icy puffs of smoke and I breathed.

I carefully stripped out of my track pants and thin sweatshirt and carefully climbed into the steaming water. Settling down on one of the seats inside, the hot water soaking my feathers to the base gave me a washed over feeling of peace. Feeling it hug my sore and aching body, forcing me into a conscious tranquility, this was my heaven. Soaking in the relaxation and bliss it brought to my mind, body and soul alike. I leaned forward over the edge of the tub, resting my face on my hands and closed my eyes; feeling the cold air hit my face, listening to the faint cars below. It was an odd but nice contrast, something people in the city had to get used to.

I was brought out of my peace by a loud crash coming from back inside my apartment. A moment later, the tall 'missing' male walked through the door carrying a singular wine glass in one hand, and a red wine bottle in the other. I instinctively curled my wings around my body, hiding my exposed body that hid under the water.

"Hey! Where have you been?" I asked, watching him place the glass in the hot tub's cup holder.

"Nowhere you'd want to be." He huffed out quietly, followed by him trying to cover up a cough. That didn't answer my question. I grumbled quietly.

"Don't get sick on me. Come join and get warm." I stated, moving my wings ever so slightly.

"I'm not sick..." The pyro replied, pouring the wine into the glass before handing it to me softly. His voice sounded more raspy than before.... He's totally lying. "I'll pass."

He turned to head back inside leaving me alone with the wine, the falling snow and the soon to be sky littered with fireworks. But I noticed the small wince he gave as he stepped awkwardly away, but if I wasn't concerned I would not have noticed it in the first place. I was just about to get up and go pry the proper answer out of him before the first amazing bright red firework shot from the parks' center, causing my attention to shift. I zoned back into watching the beautiful red and green sparks reflecting off the small white flakes falling from the sky softly and completely forgot that Dabi came and went.

A small part of me wanted the dark haired male to stay out and enjoy relaxing in the hot tub for once, not having to worry about his complicated lifestyle. Another part of me liked that he left me alone, knowing my habits I have had for years prior.

Soon enough, the Christmas Eve show ended and I climbed out carefully onto the snow covered balcony. My feet felt tingly after stepping ankle deep into snow and clashing with the heat I contracted from the hot tub. I made my way into my room and changed into a loose pair of shorts and dried my wings to the best of my ability without having to blow dry them.

"Hey Pyro I'm heading to bed, you wanna come in?" I asked in a quiet yell, enough to hear me in the other room, but got no response.

"Pyro!" I said a little louder. Still getting no response. I made my way into the other room, checking in the dark and found nothing.

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