A Discussion

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Dabi Pov

"It's Toya... isn't it?" I felt shivers crawl down my spine at the sound of my old name being said.

"That's nothing of your concern." I replied sternly, clenching my hand under the sheets.

"Actually it kind of is? I mean you are living with me as of right now. But hey you can always move back in with your fellow villains." He smugly said. He then suddenly trailed off quietly as his face shifted into deep thought, though it was too quiet for me to catch what he had said. I huffed out and thought. I can't tell him about Shigaraki... Or my old self...

"Toya is dead..." I grumbled out, "He's long dead." I grabbed the pillow and shifted it so my head now was hiding underneath, making the surrounding area dark for my eyes.

"Why would you ask him about my dead brother?" I heard Shoto ask. I could feel eyes still on me, but chose to ignore it.

"Mmm well your sister mentioned your deceased brother's quirk who also happened to have the same one as someone from my agency. And that person was who Dabi was pretending to be. That would make Dabi your older brother.... I think..."

I stuck up my middle finger blindly to the others as footsteps from the hallway were heard and grew louder as Jamie came closer. As the door opened I heard a small cart roll in, the wheels trailing on the wooden floor. Hawks laughed and got up from the bed.

"We can talk about it later."

I grumbled as I peaked out from under the pillow. His smile was soft and adorable. It made me want to hug him, but not in front of everyone.

"Talk about what later?" I heard the old man say as he used a blowtorch to heat up the ends of his tools. I gulped quietly to myself about the upcoming event, my eyes getting lost in the red flames. I mean hey, I'll pass out from the pain eventually...

"Nothing." I huffed out as I placed my head back onto the pillow, with the sad eyes of Jamie locked onto mine.

Aizawas Pov

Mic and I pulled up to an old fallen building. Police lights and blue fires were spread everywhere. I stopped the car and looked at Mic nervously, before exiting the car. I walked over to the police tape and ducked underneath it, following a fellow officer inside the broken doors. What could have busted this open like this? I thought as Present Mic did a small investigation of the broken door frame, the metal all twisted and bent out of its proper shape.

"Hawks is alive! I just know he is." I heard a familiar voice sound from down the hall.

We rounded a corner until we stood in an open area, the paint barely readable on the walls. It was hard for me to tell where I was, as this prison was shut down before I even knew about it.

"All Might? What the hell are you doing here?" I asked angrily.

"Eraserhead? Oh thank God, they don't believe me when I say that Hawks is alive! They-" He continued his rambling while I looked over to Mic guiltily.

"And what about you five?" Mic asked, referring to my students I didn't see before. Midriya, Iida, Uraraka, Kirishima and Bakugou all leaned against the wall talking to a couple police officers not far from our small group. They stopped talking as they all looked over at us. Why can't my kids just stay out of things? I huffed as I leaned over to Mic and whispered in his ear, "At least Shinso isn't caught up in any of this."

"We were helping look for him. We were told the search was called off and about it being a waste in resources, so why not have students look? It would be good practice for us, don't you think?" The green haired kid questioned.

Hidden Not Forgotten (Dabi x Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now