The Unknown Nomu

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Aizawas Pov

We searched and searched the surrounding area, students and teachers all looking when we finally found her, Recovery Girl. Oh thank god. I ran over to the older lady who sat unmoving on the bench near the dorms.

"Are you okay? What happened? Did they hurt you?" I asked, quickly checking for any signs of injury, not until I noticed her face. A deeply saddened look was held on her face, her staring off into the ground somewhere ahead of her.

"Hawks. He's alive, but not well."

I blankly stared at her, waiting for her to answer my question. I waited a couple seconds and turned my gaze to the ground, looking at the fine shimmer of the gravel underfoot.

"I-I, c-couldn't heal him.... He's too far g-gone." She stuttered out, blinking a few tears away.

She broke her gaze to the ground and ended up hugging me, something I wasn't sure would make the situation any better. I sighed giving into her hug before saying we had to get her back inside and let others know that she was okay.

After settling the short nurse back into her office with Present Mic and Nezu at her side, talking about what happened, I began to head towards the parking lot and to my car. All Might soon caught up just as I was getting into the car itself.

"Where are you going?"

"To the prison, like I said I would."

"What for?"

"Get in and you'll see." I finished, not wanting to explain myself to him. Many emotions have already flooded my mind, worry, panic, anger, etc.

We drove in uncomfortable silence until we reached the prison, All Might texting Mirko about our whereabouts so no other alarms sounded without knowing where we were.

We were allowed access into the prison and led down long hallways, many cells occupied along the way. Until we stopped at the most recently arrested Nomu, the one that Hawks fought. I peaked over my scarf at All Might who questionably looked at me, wondering why we were here in the first place.

"Has any testing been done on it to figure out its quirks?" I asked one of the guards who stood at the door beside the key pad.

"None so far. But we assume it's main quirk is dog-like due to its nature to be on all fours and the fur." He replied.

I looked at the large beast who violently shook its body trying to get rid of the chain around its neck. Although inaudible, I can tell it was snarling and growing. Its claws have scratched up the floor as it pulls and stomps around.

"Can I go inside?" I asked, not shifting my eyes from the Nomu.

"Uhmm.." Both guards looked at each other before the one continued. "Sorry Eraserhead. You unfortunately don't have that kind of authority."

I nodded and was just about to turn and head back when All Might cut in, "But I do, right?"

They nodded and opened the door, allowing both of us to enter, "We'll turn on the audio so we can hear inside. Also don't go past the yellow tape, it won't reach you on this side of it." One of them said before closing the door.

I looked at the bright yellow line of tape on the floor, hearing the loud growls of the creature as we walked closest to the large glass window, farthest from the Nomu as you could go.

"What now?" All Might asked, going into his larger form as a precaution. The creature stopped its focus on the chains and looked directly at me still with a snarl, showing it's sharp teeth.

"Not sure, I thought they would have run tests on it already." Suddenly the large Nomu lunged at us, only to be stopped by the chain and getting ready for another lunge.

"God I hate dogs." I huffed out, looking at its body that had healed itself from Hawks slashes.

The blond laughed before stating, "You clearly didn't come here just to say that."

I rolled my eyes at his comment. Sighing and giving into my original thought, "Thought if I came here and looked at it. It would somehow ease my thoughts on Hawks, though with what happened recently with recovery girl I-... I just don't know."

I turned to look at All Might who was just about to answer before being cut off by none other the the Nomu, "Haawkkkss?" The Nomu sat its hind legs down, sitting as if a dog was waiting for its food dish. Did... did it just talk? I looked at All Might who also had the same similar confusion on his face that I felt.

I stepped closer, almost a foot away from the yellow tape line on the floor. The beast has entirely stopped its violent actions, almost as if it was a different creature.

"Easerhead, would you please be careful?" The voice behind me made me take my eyes off of the creature. Bad idea. I looked at All Might with the lack of knowledge that the creature now stepped forward towards me.

"LOOK OUT!" He shouted, stepping forward himself, as my eyes quickly laid back on the Nomu. Its short sniff in my direction made me put my hand up to stop All Might.

"Just wait a second." I mumbled from behind the scarf, stepping onto the tape line pulling the scarf lower on my neck. What's it doing? I took a step closer allowing the Nomu to be able to reach me entirely. It's head dropped around my feet and up my legs and stopped at my pocket. The feather? I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled out the bright red feather. It took to sniffing my hand and the feather before making some sort of noise that came from deep within it's stomach, one similar to a happy dog.

I turned a bit looking at All Might who had his mouth open in awe and confusion. I only shrugged just before the Nomu opened its mouth and licked my hand, covering it in slobber. All Might bursted into laughter as well as I, something that we both longed to feel ever since Hawks' disappearance.

The Nomu itself was solely fixated on the feather to care what we were doing. I found myself asking a stupid question, unsure if I misheard the first time. "Do you know who's this is?" Holding up the now wet, red feather.

Its attention on the feather shifted to me before replying, "Yess."

"So it can talk?" He asked.

"Guess so." I internally laughed, placing the red feather on the floor close to the Nomu's hand and leaving.

We walked out of the room like nothing happened, though the two guards were confused as to what happened too. The behavior of it was calm and lightly sniffing the feather I left. It was not even bothering with the chain on its neck or violently pulling at it.

"Maybe you are a dog person after all." All Might said and laughed loudly in the hall. Suddenly a large form came up from behind him.

"What are you two doing?" The large man with red flames sounded loudly, with Mirko following suit.

"Checking out this Nomu that apparently had no tests run on it." I respond, All Might turning into his smaller form with a bit of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth.

He bent down to my eye level before stating angrily, "You and I need to talk."

He stomped heavily away as I followed him outside, to meet Nezu. He turned his body around and crossed his arms with a scowl on his face.

"Aizawa you can't be doing things behind our backs," Nezu addressed softly.

"Look clearly that Nomu knows who Hawks is. It's smart." I stated, huffing that I already knew this conversation was going to end badly since Endeavor himself was here.

"That's not your call. Mirko and I were told that we were the only ones to keep Hawks' case open." Endeavor chimed in, "Besides, of course it'll remember who fought it."

No Endeavor you're wrong, this is different. Nezu jumped onto my shoulder before whispering into my ear. "Aizawa, why don't you take the rest of this week off, everyone's off next week for Christmas break and New Year's following. Just give yourself more time."

I huffed before forcibly agreeing, wanting to pursue a better idea that came to mind after the interaction with the Nomu. I looked at All Might and Mirko who were just exiting the prison now, and headed towards my car. I saw the hint of hope in his eyes as I opened my car door, returning a small smile before disappearing into my own car. Texting Hizashi about Nezu 'grounding' me and that I would be at home waiting for him to come home at the end of this week.

Driving home and all I could think of was a way to get Hawk's back safely and the guilt that stuck with me ever since. I pulled into the driveway and was greeted by Mic's Huskey. I patted the furry dog on the way by, the chunk of dried meat hanging in its mouth. I walked into the shared bathroom of my secret husband and looked into the mirror. I thought about cutting my arms, but did not want to deal with the aftermath of the constant questions about it if I got caught. I pulled the scarf down and tightened it around my arms instead, making it slowly turn red blocking the blood flow. I eventually couldn't hold back any more and resorted to a breakdown on the floor, releasing the harsh pressure I had on my arms and returning to normal. I want to save him! Endeavor isn't doing shit and that Nomu is the key.

A notification on my phone drew my attention. It was a text from All Might.

Hey are you okay?- A

But I didn't respond, something I only did when I was busy teaching or training the class. I decided it was time to just relax, and the best thing I could think of was opening a bottle of wine and sitting with my two cats on the bed.

The sudden ringtone of my phone brought me out of my hazy stat. It was All Might. I sighed before picking up the phone and answering.

"Hello?" I asked, knowing already who was on the other side.

"Hey are you okay? You didn't drive back to the school earlier."

"Oh did you not hear? I'm grounded." I said hastily, earning a snicker from the other side from Mirko. All Might put me on speaker phone without letting me know. 

"All Might, who else is there with you?"

"Mirko..." He paused before asking a question I'd rather was left unasked, "Did going there help you ease your thoughts?"

"Do you want the honest answer, or the fake answer?"

"Obviously the honest answer Aizawa, you're no liar."

I paused for a while, deeply thinking about the idea I had thrown out the window on the way home. 

"Can I trust you two with my answer?" I asked, wanting them to just give up. Of course that's in neither of their blood to give up. They both responded a 'yes' and waited patiently for my answer, through the long pause and hesitation.

"You promise you won't say it's a bad idea?" I asked, stalling as much as I could.

"Why would we say it's a bad idea?" All Might answered. 

I sighed loudly enough for them to hear on the other side of the call, "Use the Nomu to find Hawks..." I quickly said.

"What? We can't do that, we can't let a prisoner go, much less one as strong as the Nomu." Mirko sounded from the phone.

"I know exactly what it sounds like, but hear me out. Take it from someone who's been up close and personal with them. That Nomu is different. All Might back me up, you saw how it acted in the cell earlier."

Of course this was a bad idea to say it. I sighed before angrily hanging up and tossing my phone gently on the table beside the bed. I laid back and eventually drifted to sleep, thinking of all the possible outcomes if I was to release the Nomu myself.

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