A Featherily Condition

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Aizawas Pov

The meeting I was in with All Might had ended a few moments ago, allowing only Endeavor and Mirko to continue the search while the rest of us were to focus on other things like how to deal with the city's riots. All Might sat at the table with a saddened Mirko, and I was at the far end when I heard a soft knock on the door.

"Come in." I heard All Might say, who was the closest to the door.

Hagakure slowly opened the door and asked, "Mr. Aizawa? Can I talk to you for a second?" I glanced at the confused faces of All Might and Mirko.

"It's okay, you can speak here, no need to hide it."

She quickly walked over to me and handed me a crumbled note and a bright red feather. All Might and Mirko stood and came closer. "Is that Hawk's feather?" she asked, to which Hagakure answered a small yes, as a nod would not have been seen.

"Hagakure, where did you get this?" All Might's voice sounded, as I drifted my fingers lightly over the feather, tracing the hollow shaft and up the rachis.

She sighed and spoke, "Well I found it at the UA prison..."

"I'm sorry! Why were you there?" I asked, just as surprised as the other two Pro Heroes were.

"I found Hawks.. Or what I thought was Hawks, who walked into the prison. Turned out to be Toga and she handed me these." She stated.

I opened the note carefully, reading it quietly in my head before letting out a shaking breath. They want us to trade Hawks for All for One. I gently placed the note down and slid it over to Mirko who also read the note carefully.

"W-What, we don't even know if he's alive! The Hero Comity would never allow us to do it." She stuttered, All Might motioning for Hagakure to leave the room.

Once the door was shut All Might spoke up, "Look even if he is alive, we can't risk having All for One back on the streets. I hate to say it but we can always replace the number two hero, I mean Endeavor took my spot as number one after I retired."

"Mirko, go give this to Nezu, I wanna go to the prison." I stated, standing up with the feather in tow. I walked out of the room with the other two behind me, with tears at the ready as I stared harder at the soft feather, not a single barb out of place.

"You know, Hawks could be dead and they just want their leader back too." I said, blinking away the tears and releasing a deep breath, "We have no proof." I pocketed the feather carefully and made my way down to the gym where class 1-A was being trained with Present Mic, that was until as soon as I entered, the building's alarms sounded.

Just then Midoriya came running from the hall with a brain dead Kaminari in tow saying that recovery girl was missing.

Dabi Pov

The short nurse didn't struggle after I threatened to burn her if she didn't come with us. Toga, as Kurogiri used the quirk to allow us back into our base and into the small room where Hawk's was being held.

I roughly grabbed the small woman's arm and yanked her to the ground in Hawks' direction, "Help him, now!" I said angrily, afraid to lose Hawks as I wasn't sure how much more torture he could take.

The nurse stood up dusting herself off before checking her surroundings, stopping on none other than Hawks. I heard a small gasp come from her lips, before she turned and yelled at me.

"WHAT HAVE YOU GUYS DONE TO-" I quickly moved closer and covered her mouth with my hand to shut her up.

"Shut the fuck up hag." I glanced over my shoulder, listening to see if any footsteps were drawing near. "The other's don't know about you being here." I released her mouth and gave her a warning glare, pointing back at Hawks.

She moved over to him gently pushing on his side as the small whimpers in a response was given, and Hawks woke up.

"Hawks are you okay?" She asked quietly, barely audible from my distance.

His head slowly nodded, then started coughing up blood once more. She turned a dark glare over her shoulder in my direction as I stepped closer.

"I'm so sorry Hawks," She turned to me before continuing, "I can't help him."

"Why not?" I asked angrily, looking at the half weak smile Hawks had on his face.

"Because I can't"

"You're a fucking doctor!" She sighed, having an uneasy pause in between my outburst and her long answer.

"For a few reasons actually. The main one being that his condition is far worse than you think it is, one that my quirk itself won't fix instantly. The other is even if I do help him, you guys would just torture him more."

I stared harshly at her as she apologized to Hawks once again, with him replying with an understanding nod.

"I'll tell you this much," She gave a saddened look at me, "Even if he stays where he is and doesn't get any more injuries, I would say he has about a week, maybe two left to live." 

A-a week? I stiffened a bit, wanting to hear any more information I could and at the same time not wanting to either.

"I don't have any equipment with me, but I'd say he's got two or three broken ribs. He's got bad frostbite on his ankles and wrists that there's a chance it'll be permanent damage. The coughing could be influenza or another illness he's caught here. His shaking also is a symptom of early hypothermia, but him losing consciousness concerns me. Combining that with the blood loss and his weight concludes he won't last very long. Much less after the end of this week with the snow storm that's heading this way."

I removed my eyes from her and onto Hawks, saddened that my plan might already be too late.

"The others won't like us to even let him out of this room, much less help him." Toga chimed in, a sad tone in her voice.

"What can I do to make sure he lives?" I asked, bending down to the half lidded man, his eyes barely able to keep open and awake. His eyes were devoid of life even though he was still alive.

"Well for starters, rest, food, warmth." She stated, a lighter tone in her voice makes me relax in the slightest. But I could still feel the burn of her glare into my back.

"Take her back Toga." I said, moving my head into the dip of his neck. His cold skin against my forehead. I heard the shuffle of the two females leaving through the portal that Toga created, as she stayed in Kurogiri's form.

"Hawks, you with me?"

"Ye-ah," A weak reply was heard from his chattering teeth.

"I need you to do me a favor," I smiled into his neck with my eyes closed. "My plan was for the end of this week... But if you're not going to make it that far I only have one other chance this week." I paused again. "Can you handle another two days? The timing has to be right."

"I-I have ma-de it th-this far haven't I?" He shifted from under me, making me pull back to see his head in my direction with a sly smile on his face. I let out a small laugh, almost sounding forced. 

"Tell me something, Hawks. Can you still see?" I asked, looking deep into those greyish-gold eyes.

"Yeah. It blurs out a lot, but yes."

I lightly pulled him closer allowing my quirk to heat up in the slightest, hopefully giving Hawks the warmth he needed. His body was still shaking underneath me, but his muscles relaxed and I soon realized that he was once again unconscious. 

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