Crappy Calls

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Hawks Pov

It was early in the morning when I woke up in Dabi's arms. His head rested above mine on the pillow and his breath tickled the top of my head. I wriggled my way out of his arms and got up from the bed, the room had a small amount of light coming from the hallway and I carefully snuck out of the room into the daylight. I walked downstairs to see the two kids eating at the bar table, Jamie bringing two plates and placing it down beside them.

"Is the lover boy awake yet?" Jamie asked


"I don't think I'm mentally prepared to know that you call my brother a lover boy..." Shoto sighed before plugging his ears. Jamie laughed and Shinso rolled his eyes.

"Umm..." I shook my head, "No he's not, should I wake him?"

"No, let him rest." I nodded in response. We quickly ate breakfast and left Jamie's bar, Dabi still sleeping and back in my wheelchair allowing us to easily move him back to my apartment. We were almost to the building when I got a sudden call from the flame hero.

"Uh? Hi Endeavor, what's up?" I asked, Shino took to pushing the chair so I could hold the phone to my ear. Shoto's curiosity peaked as I saw him glance towards me.

"Did you have a good night?"


"I mean did you sleep okay?"

"Yes..... Why?" I shrugged to the son of the pro hero as he was also confused about his father's questions.

"Is Shoto still with you?"

"Yeah he's right beside me."

"Can I talk to him? He's not answering his phone." I looked at the duel haired boy and passed the phone over to him, only to have him reluctantly take it from my hands.

As we entered the building and the elevators we only heard the one sided conversation and soon the kid hung up the phone.

"He told me to stay with you for a while... I hope that's okay." He said over his shoulder as stepped out of the elevator first.

I laughed and nodded, letting him know it was fine, "As long as you don't mind your brother."

"I think if anything it's Dabi that's going to mind." Shinso said.

"Nah we talked last night, he misses you I just know it!" I stated in excitement. Hopefully they can bond their broken connection and be brothers once more, even though technically they still are.

I took control of the chair and wheeled the dark haired male into my room as Shino grabbed the duffle bags from the other room, bringing them into mine and placing them on the floor. I carefully picked up the male and tucked him under the covers. His face showed hints of pain as his breath hitched but relaxed soon after.

"I might take a nap if that's okay?" Shoto asked.

I nodded as a knock on the door sounded. I looked at Shinso softly before checking the peep hole in the door. Soundhound? I opened the door to reveal both the UA teachers who stepped inside my apartment.

"Hawks we need to talk about something..." Eraserhead said.


"Your time with the League..." The older blond replied.

"I don't really want to talk about it..." I responded quickly, trying to avoid the conversation. Shinso whispered that he'd leave the room and disappeared into the spare room.

"We need to ask you some questions... Revolving mostly around Dabi." The dark haired male frowned. I motioned for them to sit down as I sat across from them.

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