What If's

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Aizawas Pov

I carefully walked up to Hawks, his expressionless face staring at what seemed like nothing. I waved in front of his eyes, and they focused back into reality and looked directly into mine.

"Come on Hawks." I said, sliding my one arm carefully under his legs behind the knees, and the other around his lower back, making sure I didn't put any pressure on the joints of his wings. His weight condition made it very easy to pick up the younger male.

I brought him into the bathroom and placed him gently onto the floor, sitting him up against the vanity. I started running the warm water in the tub, grabbing a clean towel and a tracksuit I don't wear often. It's a dark blue tracksuit with white stripes on the side of the legs and white silhouette of an eagle on the back of the sweater portion. Something I thought would suit Hawks better than myself.

"You ready?" I asked, sliding the blanket off his shoulder and wings.

"I can do it myself."

I sighed, "Yeah well I don't trust you."

He stopped his motion and tightened his arms closer to his body. I looked into his dull eyes, he looked hurt. Like he was questioning if he should trust me too.

I rolled my eyes and sighed again, "That's not what I meant. I mean I wouldn't trust me in your situation."

"I can do it myself," he repeated, resuming to remove the bandages on his wings. Purposely avoiding his clothes. "It's not like I'm a child." He sounded more harsh.

I slowly nodded, mumbling under my breath in defeat, "I never said you were."

I looked back up as he once again stopped moving. This time however he seemed like he was waiting for me to leave the room before fully stripping down and bathing himself. I sighed once more and stood up.

"Soap and stuff is right there." I said, pointing to shampoo and conditioner bottles that stood beside the tub on the bathroom floor. I walked out of the room, closed the door part way, only leaving a small two-inch gap and sat on the floor. "If you need me just holler, I'll be right here."

I heard a small 'K' from within the room, and at first the soft shuffles of clothing, and next the light splashes of him entering the tub.

I sat outside of the bathroom on the floor for what felt like hours, but in reality, it wasn't long before dozing off. A million things were running through my mind. What if I stopped Endeavor that day? Would I be the injured and kidnapped one? What if All Might drove him home instead of Hawks walking? Would he have never saved people from the school? What if I had used the Nomu anyway? Would he have been found sooner, and I be arrested? What if he was never dropped off by Dabi? Would he even survive another week? What if we had never found him? Would they keep torturing until he died? What if he had died and the city found out? Would the city even respect us heroes? Would the riots of the streets target the Pro Hero's specifically?

"-Serhead? Eraserhead?" Hawks' voice brought me out of my dazed state.

"All done?" I asked, taking note of his newly clothed body. The villain's jacket is nowhere on his person either.

He nodded slowly before asking quietly, "are you okay?"

"Yeah. Why?" I questioned.

He raised his weak hand to my face, and rubbed away a tear I wasn't aware of, "because you are crying." He smiled weakly before giving me a hug.

"You needn't be worried about that Eraserhead. Stop feeling guilty."

I opened my mouth to protest, but felt like I shouldn't let him worry about me. His weak arms rested on both sides of my body, as mine sat at my sides, unsure where to place them. The hug was very awkward, I was hesitant to push him away; I can tell he is as well.

"We should get up, I need to wrap your wings and get you resting back on the couch. Unless you want to sleep in our bed? It'll be darker and quieter for you."

He leaned back and smiled, "That's up to you. I'm easy going."

Dabi Pov

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