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Hawks Pov

I wobbled to the door and looked out the peephole, I saw purple hair. Shinso? I opened the door and saw him as well as the two older men, both holding a couple of small containers. I allowed them inside as I noticed Shinso with a bag as well.

"Sorry to ask you this. But Mic and I have to head to work. Can Shinso stay with you tonight?" Eraserhead asked.

I nodded slowly, trying to process the information and trying not to freak out. OMG! I hope Dabi doesn't wake up at this very moment.

"And we know you didn't want to eat with us, but we dished a couple meals and brought them here for you to eat." The blond added, smiling gently and actually being considerate about my hearing.

"Oh... um. Thanks." I smiled back and took the food from their hands and limped over to the counter. I placed it down as I noticed the concerned look between the two older males.

"Shinso can hang out here. I actually have to go somewhere later tonight." I patted the teen on the back.

"Where are you going at this time of night? In your condition for that matter?" The black haired male asked, looking back at me.

"Just a friend's... and I'm fine, it's just a little stiffness, it's not a big deal." I smiled it off, trying to hide my lie. I had my hand scratching the back of my head.

"You know, Midoriya does the same neck scratching thing when he's lying." A stern look was shot from the UA teacher, as the blond whispered something in his ear and stepped out into the hall.

"It's true though, I am going to a friend's place."

"I'll go with him, don't worry dad." The purple haired teen said, nodding to me afterwards.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes, "I have to go. Be safe and look after Hawks for us then." He pointed at the teen while walking out the door, closing it after.

We both looked at each other in silence. "You don't have to come with me."

"Yes I do. I don't know where that asshole went because he's supposed to look after you. Dammit he told me he wouldn't hurt you." The teen stated angrily, his hands formed into fists as he grumbled under his breath.

"You talking about Dabi? He didn't do this, like I said, it's just soreness due to my...conditions at the moment." His eyes softened after my response.

"Where's your wheelchair?"

"In my room." I replied. He headed into my room as I slowly made my way back into the spare bedroom with him wheeling it not far behind me.

I made my way to the bedside as Shoto just stood there at the end of the bed, unsure of what to do in this situation. Dabi, still unmoving and sleeping, made me worry more as he faced the middle of the bed and away from the door.

"Todoroki?" Asked the other teen.

"Shinso?" I ignored the two teens as I climbed onto the middle of the bed and shook the male slightly.

"Dabi, come on, wake up. You're making me worried. You have been asleep for almost 24 hours." I frowned as he didn't respond, the small gaze piece I left earlier was slightly stained red, but was a smaller spot than the first one. At least it seems to be slowing down.

"Is he sick or something?" Shinso asked as he climbed on the edge of the bed, Dabi resting in the middle.


"Wait, you know about him being here?" Shoto cut me off, surprised at Shinso's calmness to the villain being present.

"Yeah, I'm probably the only one who knows, aside from you now I guess. Anyway, what were you about to say Hawks?"

Hidden Not Forgotten (Dabi x Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now