Rocky Changes

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Low key cried writing this just a heads up XD. Also the queen (Queen Elizabeth 2) died today I'm so sad. Also sorry I might not update as often as I want to, I'm starting to be close to the end of this, might be around part 40ish, so I have started writing other things! SO in the mean time have this sad chapter.

Hawks Pov

"Hawks... He will be okay. The surgery was successful. I have told you many times already, haven't I?" Jamie spoke softly as he stepped back into the room.

I nodded silently in response. My knees were tucked tightly to my body as I tried to stop myself from shaking but to no avail. The only thought my brain was stuck on was Dabi's screams during the surgery, and us three had to hold him down. I thought it was fine at first but pyro stayed awake and little by little I began to panic. Even after he passed out from the pain close to the end of it, I was still shaking. Screams echoing in my head.

"I set the kids up in the other rooms." He stated, sitting down beside me on the bed. I felt his hand firmly grip my shoulder in comfort to try and help.

"You're worried about him aren't you?" He asked quietly. My eyes slowly began to blur from the water build up as the thought of Dabi in pain lingered.

"I worry about everyone..." I huffed out a shaky breath, trying my hardest not to cry.

"Yeah you do.... But this is more than just the typical worry for someone.... You like him don't you?" He asked with a smile.

"I can't though. My style of living and his are the exact opposite. It would never work between us..." The tears finally started falling as I tried to wipe them off before Jamie saw, but he already had.

"Just because he's a villain doesn't mean you can't be together with him. Just might mean there's a little more... challenges you'll have to face together."

"But he's a man!" I sobbed out barely audible that I wasn't sure if he had heard me or not.


"And people will find it disgusting..." I buried my head behind my knees, hoping this conversation would be forgotten later.

"You're the number 2 hero Hawks. I bet you can do a lot of change using that." He said, pulling my head away from my knees so I looked him in the eyes.

"You really think so?"

"If you love him. You'll fight for him."

I nodded and quickly wiped the tears away, hoping no more would fall. Jamie gave me a soft smile and I gave one in return.

"Now, why don't you tell me what you love about him?" He gave me a small push with his elbow as I chuckled and nodded in agreement. I hope this gets my mind off of earlier.

"He's so nice to cuddle with." My eyes shifted to the floor as I started to remember the good things.

"Dabi? And cuddling?" Jamie laughed.

"Hey! I get cold easily...You know that!" I shoved him playfully before adding, "And he's nice and warm all the time. He's like my personal heater." There was a pause between us before we both bursted into laughter.

"He's really good at cooking. I never really learned to cook so I'd always eat fast food, but his meals are amazing. Oh! And he's really good with his hands."

"His hands?"

"Yeah! The way he runs his fingers through my feathers! I mean I did tell him not to do that but..." I paused at the memory.

"Did he hurt you-?"

"Fuck it was amazing-." I said at the same time as him. His face showed confusion and a hint of worry before realization hit. I laughed nervously as he started putting two and two together.

Hidden Not Forgotten (Dabi x Hawks)Where stories live. Discover now