Reunion A

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Hawks Pov

There wasn't anything I could do to change what already happened. I was stuck, chained once more to the stone fireplace. The room was dark and still. In that stillness, I could hear the sound of my own breathing, slow and measured. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my racing thoughts, but my mind kept returning to the events that had led me here. All the memories flooded back; some wanted and others unwelcome, each one a painful reminder of my mistakes. Sometimes wondering if I, myself, was the mistake. I felt I had dragged Dabi into all my mess, but in reality we had been dragged into each other's, for better or for worse.

I knew by now that I couldn't go back in time. I couldn't save Dabi from himself back then, just like I couldn't save myself then either. Even then, it never stopped me from trying, from wishing that I actually could make a difference in the world, but even that reality was shattered and the whole city flipped while I was gone. I longed for a way out of the chains, it reminded me too much of the horrors with the league, and yet it wasn't all bad. I had met someone I love, someone who I could rely on and vice versa.

I sat here as my thoughts were interrupted by a small glimmer of hope. The flick of the lamp lit up a small portion of the room. The man sat down on the couch facing the fireplace with a glass of whiskey in hand. The ice slowly circled inside as he lifted it to his mouth. He stared at me for a while before motioning behind him. Another glass was brought with ice by his side.

"Care for one?" He asked, the scrambling man pouring more into his glass.

I contemplated for a second, fuck why not? Can't do anything else at this moment. "Sure."

The glass was quickly poured and handed to me. The amber liquid sloshed around in the glass before I awkwardly placed it to my lips, taking a swig. I felt the burn of the alcohol slip down my throat, then the warmth that came with the beverage and the small amount of pain from my shoulder fade away. I appreciated the complexity of the flavors on my tongue, a mix of caramel and smokey vanilla. I was saddened as it reminded me of Dabi, Dabi would have loved this.

Suddenly there were noises, and sounds of gunfire in the distance. 'Mini Boss' came running in and whispered something in the other man's ear. He got up, placing his finished glass on the side table before leaving me. The small man who poured the glass nodded to the purple haired man and was suddenly bringing the whiskey bottle to me and grabbing the 'Boss man's' empty glass and disappearing.

At least the lamp is still on. I thought, rolling my eyes and sat in silence as time passed; eventually pouring myself another glass. That's when I noticed it. I noticed the sharp claws glinting in the dim lighting of the room. With each step I heard the small clicking noises the claws made on the tile floors beneath us, and the blood stained teeth. It's lips were pulled back in a snarl, revealing the full extent of its dental arsenal that I hadn't seen fully from when I fought it before. The red colored saliva dripped from between its teeth, leaving small puddles in its wake.

I shivered as a chill ran down my back, did it finally decide to come back for revenge? I sighed lightly, knowing I only had a whiskey bottle to protect me from the primal beast.

Dabi Pov

I wiped blood from my knuckles onto a white rag I had found close by, this one didn't know any information on where Hawks was either. I looked away from the bloodied criminal and over to the Pro Hero, who was casually leaning against the metal doorway of the chop shop I knew. I could tell he was not a fan of my methods.

"Personally, I wouldn't have gone that far." He said as I stepped up beside him.

"Personally, I don't care." I replied, "Did Mic get back to you yet?"

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