A Moment

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Aizawas Pov

It's been about a month now since that video of Hawks was posted, causing mass panic from people, to even students at UA. Out of the students, Tokoyami has taken it the worst, as he was part of Hawk's internship. I glanced at the clock of afternoon class, the students were quiet writing a test and only had about five more minutes. As for the Pro Hero's, finding the whereabouts of Hawks was proving to be a rather difficult task. 

Over the course of this past week, Endeavor had arrested countless criminals asking the location of the League of Villains and their base of operation. Only one confessed to the knowledge of an underground and abandoned train station. One that hasn't been used in a long time. Edgeshot and Endeavor apparently went to investigate but conflicts arose, and not that of any villains. Mirko apparently showed up ahead of them and picked up any information that she could to find Hawks herself. Which in doubt had it's problems with Endeavor getting angry, and Mirko yelling back saying it's his fault for injuring him in the first place. Which in my case would have also been true. 

Mic and Cementos also headed to another area where some lower ranked members of the League were found and arrested, but once again was a dead end on Hawks. Some of them mocking us, saying that we'd never find him in time, or that we failed as soon as that fight between Hawks and the Nomu happened. 

The bell rang and class finished, the students all handing me their tests before leaving. I decided to take matters into my own hands if I was to find Hawks, knowing full well the consequences. 

"Um, Hagakure? Could you stay a minute please?" Jiro and Momo hesitantly looked back, before closing the door behind them, saddened by their friend staying.

"Could I ask you something? It's important and might be bad for the both of us." I stated, thinking carefully about what I was about to do. 

"Sure Mr.Aizawa what is it?"

"I know your quirk is better for stealthy missions as the invisibility would work well in our favor. We are having no luck finding Hawks..." I paused, glancing down and moving my hand to rub part of my face before continuing, "Half the Pro Hero's are angry and blaming others and vice versa. It's quite the mess actually." I finished saying and removing my hand from my face with a small laugh.

"You want me to look for Hawks don't you? I get it we're all worried about him, but think about it. Wherever he is, he's probably doing okay. But if it makes you happy I will do it, but on one condition."

I raised my eyebrow and awaited her condition. Thinking about the information she lacked from the start, he might have been okay if it wasn't for me.

"The whole class will help." She said happily.

I sighed, "I can't do that Hagakure, most of their quirks are built for offense or defense, not spying like yours is." 

"I understand if you don't want to. Just thought I'd throw out that idea." I said, standing up and hearing a knock on the door. Hagakure stood up too, walking out the door as All Might walked in, motioning me to sit back down.

"What is it All Might?" I asked, frustratingly tired, as sleeping never came easily to me, and worse with Hawks gone.

"Just saw young Midoriya talking in the hall about doing some digging on where Hawks is." He himself sounded out of character, almost in a small frown while he talked. "Don't worry though, I have already scolded him not to do anything rash and let the pro's handle it."

"Yeah? And how do you think that's working out for us? I mean he's been missing for almost a month and a half, we're nowhere near finding him let alone helping him if he's even alive!" I sounded angrily, banging my hands on the table in frustration. Sighing as I did, "Besides, the people of the city aren't too happy either, you heard the news."

"As far as I know, the crime rates have increased a lot lately, the riots every other night also don't help." All Might said, also rubbing his hands on his face.

"We have a meeting about it tomorrow. I think they're calling off the search to better deal with the crime rates and riots." He stated, opening his fingers and looking at me through his hands, before proceeding to remove them.

I sighed before getting up, not wanting to think about it more. "I have to go, I'll be back by tomorrow morning." I said before walking out the door and leaving All Might alone in the classroom. 

"Hey honey!" Present Mic shouted happily, throwing his arm over my shoulder. I huffed in defeat and leaned more into the slightly taller male. 

"Hey, What's wrong?"

"Nothing..." I pulled myself away as I was walking with my back bent in an awkward position stung, and I didn't want to be seen cuddling my partner in public. 

He quickly placed himself in front of me with his hands on each of my shoulders, "I get it, you're stressed. Why don't we go home for the night? We can eat a nice meal and just relax, we gotta feed your cats and my dog too, remember?" He commented happily, making me smile and nod.

"That was my plan all along." I looked around the surrounding area to see if the coast was clear before giving a small peck on the cheeks. A slight blush forming on both our faces.

 We got into the car and drove to the outskirts of the city, casually humming to the radio together before pulling into our property. The spacious yard for Mic's black and grey Husky, who just loves the winter and barely likes to come inside. We stepped up the walkway and I opened the front door, instantly mauled for attention by my two cats. The two of them are clawless and indoor fluff monsters.

 "My god Aizawa, you're lucky I'm not allergic to cats." He sneered jokingly, looking at the cat hair that dusted the table in the front entrance. I responded with a laugh, walking over to the bowls we put out for food and the automatic water machine. 

"You know there's things called automatic food dispensers right?" He responded, looking at the near empty food bowls I was now cleaning and refilling it.

"Yeah yeah yeah go feed your dog."

Mic grabbed the large 5 Lbs of dried meat from under the sink, something I was never fond of touching. He then threw it out the side door allowing the Husky to eat. We normally take turns coming up here every two to three days, normally in time when both foods and waters run low. But with me teaching class 1-A, I have to stay for the week days and check up on them during the weekends while Mic does the week day shift.

I sighed walking over to the kitchen and turning on the tv, watching the latest news as I made a meal for the both of us. 

"Need any help?" He asked nicely, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my body.

"If you keep doing that I might." I giggled as he continued to move his hands up the sides of my chest and back to the front.

"Good, I want you to relax tonight, let me do the work this time."

"Last time I let you try to cook something you set the pan on fire! Like how do you even do that when making pancakes?" I asked laughing as I was almost finished searing the meat in the pan, dropping in a mix of spices before continuing, "If you wanna help, go make a salad. Can't wreck that." 

Sure enough Present Mic wrecked the salad, putting soya sauce instead of balsamic dressing on it. Instead we ended up eating the seared spiced meat and some grilled veggies minus the salad, keeping an ear out for anything worth listening to on the news. Most of the news was the constant reminder of how 'well' the Pro Hero's were at finding the missing winged hero, the rest were reporters among the riots in the streets.

We ended up falling asleep on the couch later that night with the cats on our lap and watching television.

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