The Villain's Jacket

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Aizawas Pov

I placed Hawks gently onto the couch in the living room with Bones following right at my legs, who actually came inside for once. Shit I'm too tired to deal with this shit right now. I yawned, heading over to the kitchen table and turning a few lights on, Grabbing my phone to call someone in the process when suddenly the blond bolted upright; startling me in the slightest.

"Pyro?" He asked, a panic hidden behind his voice, "PYRO?"

"Hawks you are fine. You're not with him anymore." I said hazily, walking my way back to the side of the couch.

He seemed disoriented and unaware of where he was. His shaking became more visible and his breath was heavy and building louder.

"Hawks you ok?" I asked him, grabbing his trembling hand unknowing the damage done to his wrists.

"I need.. I need to go outside." He responded, trying to stand up and head for the door, but I only pushed him gently back down.

"No. No you don't. You are freezing." I commented on the temperature of the surface of his skin. The paleness of his skin could almost be close enough for someone who had already died.

Hawks grabbed at his chest, half sobbing and the other half was gasping for air.

"I can't....I can't breathe." He shook his head and brought the hand I was gently holding to his head.

"Do you feel dizzy?" I asked, the worry started to set in as I had no idea what to do or what was going on.

I waited for a few seconds but he didn't respond, almost as if he never heard me in the first place. Bones whined beside me as Hawks breathing became more scarce, as if he was choking himself without using his hands.

"I still... can't.... breathe." He forced out. He tried standing up but ended up on his knees at my side, shaking his hands more.

I saw the sweat drip down his face as I wrapped my arm around his stomach and brought him back up onto the couch. He waved his hand at me aimlessly attempting to shoo me away. I hesitantly moved away giving him a little space and quickly ran into the kitchen to grab some water and bring it back.

"Hawks listen to me, you need to calm down. Calm down." I repeated with worry, placing the cup of water on the table and facing towards the panicking blond. "Look at me!" I sounded a little louder, placing my hands on his cold wet cheeks to face me directly.

His dulled eyes were filled with fear and water as it constantly streamed down his face. I'm sure whatever he did to him caused him to have this panic attack. I thought, gently encouraging him to lie down.

"Look at me. Just take deep breaths, okay?" I said, over exaggerating my breathing, hoping he would copy me and realize that he could in fact breathe. His eyes were focused on me but his mouth opened and closed, gasping like a fish would do out of water. There were a few back and forths of the same motion and it became like a dance. I would show him first and he would copy me right after and so on. When his breathing slowed and was normal I handed him the glass of water, helping him hold it to his mouth as he drank.

"You okay now?" I asked once more in a soft whisper. He nodded slowly and gave me a weak and definitely fake smile. I gently cupped the side of his face, my fingertips resting just past his hairline.

I returned the smile and stood up walking to the kitchen to make some beef soup. Panic attacks can often be draining on energy and leave you feeling hungry, but his current state of weight won't hurt for him to eat. But this whole situation I was not ready for in the middle of the night.

I kept my eye on Hawks, who laid shivering on the couch while the beef soup heated in the microwave. I sighed, remembering the exact reason he was in his current state and how angry he must feel, towards me and Endeavor. The microwave sounded, indicating that the soup was heated and ready to be poured into a bowl and eaten. I walked over with the hot bowl and set it down beside the empty glass on the table.

"Here, you need to eat something."

He looked up at me with tired eyes, "W-why. I'm n-not hungry." He replied through chattering teeth.

"Will you eat some at least?" I paused, "Please?"

I huffed out in annoyance when he didn't answer, knowing full well his stubbornness could easily triumph over Midoriya's. I got up and headed around the corner into my shared bedroom with Hizashi, passing my two cats along the way; who were annoyed by the interruption of cuddles we had been having before. I opened the closet and pulled out a blanket, grabbing the comforter from the bed and lazily dragging it along with me.

I slowed my pace as I entered back into the room and saw the blond sitting upright, holding the bowl of soup in his hands, as well as Bones kindly staring at him as if he's some sort of god. Which in reality would make sense, Bones sees both Hizashi and I as humans and now a human with wings was suddenly in his territory.

"Let's get this jacket off you." I commented, reaching forward to take off the jacket.

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