Scary Boy

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Dabi Pov

It was very late into the night. I tossed and turned on the couch as my arms were still pinned together behind my back; it made for a restless night. To top that off, I heard Hawks fall a few times earlier after we had sorted everything out. I was worried if he had hurt himself trying to stand and do his normal nightly routine. He may have been able to stand and walk, but maybe not for long. Hawks originally refused to let me stay but the teen convinced him otherwise, but both ended up in separate rooms like their original plan had. I growled in frustration as I couldn't even go on my phone to pass the time.

More time passed as my eyes slowly closed and I was finally drifting to sleep when suddenly a loud scream startled me awake. I shot up on the couch and strained my tired ears and focused on the loud yelling, realizing it came from Hawks' room, and not the teens. I stood up and started heading towards the door, bumping into furniture in the dark.

The light flicked on from the room to the left and the door opened, the teen peeking his head in the direction of the couch, realizing I wasn't there. I wasn't far from the couch, so it was obvious that Hawks' scream was not caused by me. We both rushed to the door as I used my quirk to burn off the metal cuffs quickly.

"Shit! Fuck!" I whisper-yelled, rubbing my now burned and sore wrists to soothe the pain. The teen jiggled the hand of the door, but like they had agreed earlier, the door was locked. The teen kicked at the door but it didn't budge.

"Hawks you okay?!" He yelled through the door. I have a better idea.

I patted his shoulder as he kicked at the door again. No response was heard on the other side. I opened the sliding doors of the balcony and walked past the hottub. Peeking in the window only to be blocked by curtains. Shit! I heard the teen shout again as I made my way around the corner of the balcony to the other set of doors that led into his room. I tested the door and like I thought, they were unlocked.

I rushed into the room seeing the poor man shaking on the bed. The covers all tangled in a mess, yet draped over his legs that were brought up to his chest. His hands were over his eyes and he rocked back and forth on the bed. A bang towards the door startled him in the slightest, but he didn't look up or try to respond.

"It's okay kid I got him! He's okay!" I yelled at the door. I gently climbed on the bed and he shifted away from me as he felt the bed dip due to my weight. As I got closer I heard the small sniffling coming from Hawks, who seemed to be so shaken up that he was breaking down. Although I would give him credit for the attempts to slow his breathing as I heard him shakily take deep breaths.

"You sure?" a muffled voice sounded from the other side.

"Yeah. Just go back to sleep." I responded, carefully moving closer to the man and pulled him gently into a hug.

"Hawks?" I rested my chin on his head and took note of the absence of any attempt to protest against the contact. He must've been really scared.

"Hawks?" I repeated, "Wanna tell me what happened?" There was an eerie pause before he lightly shook his head.

"I can't help if you don't let me in." I said softly. He nuzzled into my chest further and wrapped his arm around me and the other brought itself to wipe his teary eyes.

"You need some sleep, let's lay you back down." I gently pushed him into the bed, glancing at his wings that seemed to be the most obvious thing that was shaking. I sighed before climbing under the covers with him, and he immediately snuggled back into my chest, completely ignoring the fact he was so against me staying earlier. I smiled at the small affection he showed, even though he would never admit it.

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