Sudden Show-Up

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Dabi Pov

I swear I saw Hawks in the passenger seat of a car being driven by the cafe. A weird feeling crossed my mind when I saw Present Mic driving, he wasn't who I had left him with. Could he be getting dropped at his apartment? I vaguely remembered something when I was texting Hawks in the cafe Toga brought me too. His apartment would be a complete mess I'm sure.

I ended up running towards his apartment, losing Toga accidentally in the process. I wasn't too keen on having her there anyway. She most likely won't stop teasing me about it. I slowed my pace and walked calmly into the lobby. I glanced towards a hallway and saw a lady rolling a wheelchair into the elevator with a blond sitting in it. I watched the numbers tick up, waiting for it to stop, indicating the floor he lived on. I noticed it stopped on the 25th floor, the last floor. I decided it'd be best if I stayed on the ground floor rather than risk being seen by her, I wasn't sure if she would stay or leave.

I parked myself on one of the lobby's comfy chairs, picking up a newspaper and pretending to read it. My eyes just above the top of the pages, keeping an eye on my surroundings, waiting for her to exit. After a couple of minutes she returned, sitting back at the front desk with another lady. Some quiet talk between the two and a bit of laughter, but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I got up and walked over to the elevators, passing by the desk without any trouble. The phone beside the lady started ringing.

"Sorry Janet, do you think you can pick this call up for me? I have an important email to write." I heard the lady who came from the elevators say. Which made me stop in my tracks.

I glanced at the email opening on her screen, seeing who she was sending it to, and what about. Something about a private nurse, and I figured that would be the perfect way for me to come into this building without fully sneaking around. I pulled my phone out and quickly hacked the outgoing email, the Hero Comity won't be getting this email. I figured she would follow up if she hadn't heard anything back in a day or so.

I quickly replied to the front desk lady as I made my way into the elevator, saying they have received this email, but to not reply as it could be traced. The doors finally opened on the 25th floor and I stepped out into a small little bay-like area. Two couches sat on either side of the elevator doors. I walked down the little hallway that housed a random window at the end, and only two doors; one on each side. What door is his? I knocked on one of the doors and waited for it to open. Nothing. I thought about him in a wheelchair and thought maybe he takes longer to get to the door than normal. I knocked louder, only to have the door behind me open.

I turned and saw the dull eyes look at me, before widening in shock. He quickly tried to close the door and I stuck my foot in the doorway, blocking his ability to close it.

"No! Get away from me! What are you doing here?" He shouted with a hoarse voice. Panic clearly written on his face. I was able to push the door open easily, accidentally knocking him back.

"Relax, I'm not here to hurt you." I said calmly. Trying to help the panicking Hero up from the dusty floor. I felt that tingly feeling you get in your nose when you inhale powders like salt and pepper, and sneezed.

"Fuck, it's dusty in here." I stated the obvious, wiping my nose. I looked at Hawks body, it was still thin but he was at least able to stand. That's good.

"Come, let's get you into bed."

I walked deeper into his apartment, inhaling the smell of dust and rotting foods. Made me sick to my stomach, knowing his nose was better than mine I was certain he found it worse than me. I turned back around to face Hawks, who stood still.

"Are you okay?" I asked genuinely. He looked away and towards the floor. His body was shaking in either fear or from the cold, either way it had me worried.

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