Keigo Takami

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Dabi Pov

It was today, a day earlier than planned. But plans never go how you want it too. Today my plan had to get into action, but the problem was, Shigaraki wanted me in the city to be the decoy. The plan was to trade Hawks but they wouldn't release All for One. Now he changed the plan to break into the prison to get All for One, I would be a decoy somewhere else randomly starting fires. After achieving their goal, they want to video and kill Hawks. I couldn't let that happen.

I looked at Toga who had a slightly nervous expression, as I had secretly asked her to steal a car and drive it round the back of the old prison. Kurogiri opened the portal and our other members began to flow through, leaving the building. I noticed Twice was a bit more on edge than normal and moved closer, quietly not to draw Shigaraki's attention.

"Hey Twice, I need you to make a couple versions of me, can you do that?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah but why need more of you?"

"Well I need to start a lot of fires right? Two duplicates should be fine."

He nodded, making the duplicates and leaving through the portal. Toga was the last to leave, looking at the other two me's and headed through. I thought about the remaining problem as the portal changed to a new area of the city, allowing me to decoy far away from the real action.

I pushed the two others through the portal and allowing it to close. I heard the distant stomps of the larger Nomu and headed in it's direction. I found it by the entrance to cell block D, where we kept Hawk's. The keys to his cuffs dangling from a rope around its neck. Great, just what I needed, more problems.

"Hey Nomu!" I said angrily, "Let me watch the prisoner for a while, give me the keys and go find food for him." I demanded, not knowing if it would work or not.

The Nomu bent lower and huffed a warm breath through its nostrils before walking away. Shig keeps the keys to the cuffs on Hawks, unfortunately on the Nomu, as for the keys to the wire gate door, I have luckily. I produced a fireball in my hands, the intense heat of the blue flames slowly growing by the second as I aimed right for the rope part and threw it.

The smoke engulfed the Nomu as it hit the rope, blocking it's view with the smoke. The keys fell as I dove to catch them, not allowing them to hit the ground.

It gazed at me with its eerily red eyes, the slight shift of its body making the armored plates on its back move and grind against one another. My fire had no effect on it, but only pissed it off. It let out an ear piercing roar as it continued down the hallway, away from me. I let go of the breath I was unknowingly holding in, taking a few deep breaths before twirling the keys in my hand. That could have been a lot worse. I quickly ran towards the cell I was using as a room, grabbing a few items and bringing them to the showers of cell block A. These showers were the only ones with a tub base and hot water. Perfect for someone who can't stand.

I quickly walked back to where Hawks was being kept. His head still hung low, his body now falling slightly forward and being held up by the chains that held his wings back.

"Hawks, you awake?" I asked, rushing over to his side with the keys shaking in my hand.

He looked up and nodded slightly, his eyes half open almost drifting aimlessly in the room as if he didn't know where I was. I glanced at his wings where they attached to his back while uncuffing his legs.

"First things first, I need to set those back in place. Are you up for that?"

"Yeah, that wo-would be great." He answered weakly.

I set the keys on the ground after undoing his legs and slowly ran my hands up his sides and to his back. My arms touching the underside ready to reset them to how they should be.


"Ready." I let out a small breath and quickly cracked the left one back into place, already not wanting to do the right one as it's condition was far worse than the other. Hawk's let out a shriek of pain immediately, I gently rubbed the bones in his back trying to soothe the pain the best I could. I waited a few minutes for him to settle down.

"Already feels instantly better." He laughed with a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad, because I still have the second one to do." I smiled, moving my arms to the next one, feeling what's left of his muscles tense up. "You can't tense up Hawks, you need to relax."

"I know I know." He paused, "I just wish it didn't fucking hurt so much." He laughed, leaning his head on my shoulder. I began rubbing small circles at the base of the wings as I felt him slowly relax.

"J-just don't tell me when you're goin-" His scream ended his sentence as I popped the wing back in, doing exactly what he was going to say to do. I rubbed the new found pain at the base of the wing until he glanced up at me.

"You fucker." he spoke in a playful tone.

I laughed as I grabbed the keys and undid his wrists.

"OW OW OW!" He shouted, pulling his head away with a pained expression.

"What!" I pulled back as well, worried about what I had done and the panic slid over me. "Wh-what hurts, tell me what hurts."

I began rambling looking back at him as he hissed in pain. I noticed my hands shaking as I heard the keys clanging together. I placed my hands down onto my lap hoping to still them as Hawks calmed down.

"J-just rip it off." He said. His eyes were still squeezed shut.

"Rip what off?" I asked, looking more worried at him.

"Those goddamn cuffs!" He opened his eyes and slowly pulled his arms to the front of his body. The cuffs were unlocked, but were still attached to his wrists. The ice mixed with the frostbite had almost mended the purple skin to the metal.

I let out a small gasp, moving my hands to the freezing metal. I looked up to Hawks who gave me a solid nod, affirming what had to be done. I let out another deep exhale, closed my eyes and tugged hard at it. I felt the metal give away as Hawks pulled the opposite way and releasing another shriek, who he cut off by covering his own mouth with his now free hands.

"I also need to remove these.." I trailed off. Pointing to the large nail-like spikes that were driven into the bend in his wings. I stood up carefully making my way closer to them. They also gleamed in a light red color, the frost mixed with blood. It was most likely going to be the same situation as his wrists.

"Hey, um... Do you want me to rip it out quickly? Or get a knife or scissors and see if I can cut the attached pieces?" I asked almost in a whisper, allowing him to give me the option as I figured out when we first met that they were the most sensitive parts of his body.

"Just do it quickly." He huffed out, between chattering teeth as the cold still ached within. "I would rather not spend another minute here."

I placed my hands onto the first one and took a hold of a firm grip at the ready, all the while Hawks took a deep breath before taking another and holding it in, readying himself. I started pulling but was getting nowhere. I looked at the wincing man below, his eyes shut and was blindly motioning to continue pulling. I huffed out before using my whole body weight to pull at the nail and it finally gave out. I quickly did the same thing to the other and picked up the weakened male, he was partially unconscious and his wings dragged on the floor; being the only heavy weight of his body left.

I carried him secretly over to the bathrooms from cell block A, making sure to avoid the Nomu whose whereabouts were now a mystery to me. I placed Hawks gently on the floor as he looked quietly around as I started the bath.

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