Arguments Start

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Dabi Pov

I was placing the items back in the bag, Hawks still sat unmoving on the floor watching me with a concerned look on his face. I bent down to his level, carefully not to scare him.

"You okay?"

"What do you want from me?" He asked sadly, out of the blue.

"What do you mean?"

"You obviously want something from me." His gaze hardened, small tears formed at the corners of his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You wouldn't be doing this if you didn't want something in return... Especially someone like you."

Someone... Like me? Of course.... I should have seen this coming. I sighed before getting up and leaving him on the floor.

"I said I don't want anything!" I spat, walking out of the bathroom with the bag of stuff in hand. The winged man surprisingly was following close behind.

He grabbed my arm and twisted me around to face him. His face all scrunched up in anger as his eyes glared at me sharply and I knew he didn't believe me. I pictured what he would look like if he hadn't lost weight, would his cheeks slightly puff out in that angry expression? He may be angry now, but it's masking the real emotion; fear. I could see it in his dulled eyes.

"Maybe you don't right now! But your boss obviously made you keep an eye on me for something!" He raised his voice.

"HE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THAT I HELPED YOU ESCAPE! IF HE FINDS OUT THAT I HELPED YOU, I'LL HAVE NOWHERE TO HIDE!" I yelled back, grabbing onto his waist. A small whine from the shorter male was heard and the small smell of burning flesh. Smoke started emitting from the hand that gripped Hawks' waist. He pulled back harshly as I accidentally burned him further and he screamed in pain.

"Shit!.... Shit shit shit." I mumbled to myself and walked into the bathroom to run water over my hands. I didn't want to hurt him. I frowned, curse this stupid quirk.

I let my hands fall cold due to the freezing water that poured from the tap and put out the fire from my quirk. I heard muffled crying from the bedroom and it saddened my heart, but I knew the reason as to why, and I was sure he didn't want to see me now. I slowly left the bathroom and glanced in his direction: Hawks sat quietly on the bed wrapped in his comforter, but both his hands fell to the side I had burned him on. I handed him the ointment from the bag I was still holding onto, before tossing the bag onto the floor.

His eyes softened, still clutching his waist, "You're bleeding."

The hot and thick substance that replaced my tears trickled down the side of my cheek. I quickly wiped it away and avoided his statement as I didn't want this argument to escalate further.

"Get some sleep." I demanded in a soft tone before taking my leave of his bedroom.

I sat down roughly on his couch in the living room and thought about what just happened. Why did I over react like that? Now he's going to look at me in fear. I had hurt him and I didn't mean to.

Eventually hours passed and he still had not emerged from the room. I stood and started pacing around the room, debating whether to go in and check on him, or to leave the apartment and let this situation cool down. Most arguments I have with other members of the league I walk away before it escalates, letting the situation blow over before coming back, more or less acting like nothing happened. Those situations would be different because the others all have had corrupted lives before ganging together, but Hawks would deal with the argument differently. I knew eventually he would want to talk about it, and I am not one to talk about petty dumb things.

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