Hizashi's Home

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Hawks Pov

I heard keys jingling from what sounded like it was banging lightly against a door. I lifted my head in time with the dog who snuggled on my legs. My gaze followed the dog's to the front door. Right, Present Mic lives with Eraserhead. I placed my head back down, straining my ears to hear more information as I laid down uselessly. The black-haired man was still asleep on the floor.

"Honey I'm home!" He shouted from the door, slightly starling me with the sudden volume change.

I lifted my head back up and saw he was hanging up his coat and taking his boots off, banging the snow off before placing them gently on the floor. Somehow he hasn't noticed me yet.

"I noticed Bones wasn't outside. Do you happen to know where he is?" Sound hound said walking right by the couch, a plastic bag in his hands as well as a small stack of papers in hand along with smaller folded papers. He walked right into the kitchen and glanced in the direction towards their bedroom door.

"Shota!" He shouted, making my ears hurt for a lingering few seconds after.

The tired male groaned and lazily opened his eyes. He pushed himself from the floor slowly, earning a cracking noise in one of his knees. I let out a small chuckle, covering my mouth a bit. The dog barked once in response, and rested his head back onto the back of my knee once again.

Eraserhead huffed lightly, taking his half awake gaze onto the dog then onto Present Mic, who only just noticed me now after his attention went to the Husky. He dropped the bag as his face went from shocked to confused. His mouth was slightly apart, but no words were formed.

"Hi," I said, removing my hand from under the blanket into the cold feeling of the room and waved as he slowly came over.

"I know you said not to call anyone Hawks, but I mean I couldn't help it. Hizashi and I um..." The dark-haired man trailed off.

"Live together." I continued, winking and smiling at him. "He told me in that meeting I messed up on."

He immediately glared at 'sound hound' who then smiled nervously back, holding his hands up in defense. His eyes returned to me with a guilty look.

"So you're actually alive?" The blond questioned, reaching out and poking my cheek. "Like you're really here and this isn't an illusion?"

"Yes it's really him. Did you get what I asked?" Eraserhead walked over to the kitchen after sound hound nodded.

I glanced into the kitchen and watched the tall male pull items out of the bag that sound hound brought in.

"When you said you had a problem, Shota, this was not what I was expecting."

"You need to eat something, Hawks, if this won't stay in your stomach then we will have to take you to the hospital, and call recovery girl." He stated, noticing my curiosity, which soon turned into worry.

I pushed myself into a sitting position, the blanket sliding off my thinned shoulders. Even under the loose jacket, you could tell how thin I was. Bones, the dog jumped down from the couch, allowing me to move my legs to the side. My wings lightly rested behind me, forming a dent in the couch from where they pressed against. Even after Dabi had cleaned them, they still weren't the same red, at least not for now until I heal more.

"Oh my god look at you." The other blond said sadly as he sat down next to me, immediately started inspecting my wrists, feeling how thin my arms, legs and shoulders are. Lastly his eyes fixated on my wings.

"Jesus.." He mumbled under his breath, before giving me a reassuring smile.

"You don't need to pretend sound hound, I'm very aware of how bad my condition is." I replied, feeling the cold return and brought the blanket back over my shoulders.

"How long have you been here?" He asked.

I shrugged. To be honest I wasn't really sure, I could've been here for one day, but also could have been three.

"He dropped him off early this morning, and I mean like early early." The other male said, slowly walking with a hot cup of tea and placing it in front of me.

"He? Who's he?" Present Mic asked.

"Dabi." The dark haired male replied.

"L-Like the villain?" He sounded, receiving a nod from Eraserhead as he stood with his eyes on me.

I closed my eyes and let my nose take over. The hot tea oddly smelt like cherries. I opened my eyes to reveal the red hot liquid in the mug. This isn't tea. What the fuck is this?

I was brought out of my thoughts by the older blond as he nudged my arm purposely, encouraging me to drink. I rolled my eyes at him before hesitantly picking up the mug and slowly raising it to my lips and lightly bowling on the surface to cool it down. Maybe a hot drink will warm my chills.

"You're going to drink it without knowing what it is?" The blond asked, laughing in the process, receiving a sharp jab in the side from the other.

"Tea?" I raised my eyebrow and by the looks on their faces; that wasn't the correct answer.

"It's jello." Eraserhead stated.

Now it was my turn to laugh, placing down the mug carefully before I spilled any.

"Jello? What the fuck will that do?" I asked, making my stomach hurt more than it already did.

"Hot liquid jello helps when you're sick. The gelatin that it has coats the inside of your stomach, making you feel less sick and also allowing food to get into your system. It's most of the time a last resort if you can't eat soup or small easy snacks. It's what I gave this idiot in high school every time he got sick." The raven haired man explained, nudging the blond who blushed and looked away.

"It's also what my mom used to give to me when I was sick." He continued, giving me a soft and light smile.

I nodded in understanding, picking up the mug after letting it cool for a while, allowing me to drink the hot substance better. I took a sip and it eagerly slipped down my throat, tasting the surgery cherry flavored drink. I warmed my hands on the mug as I took another sip. The two older men stood and headed into another room while I slowly drank more of the drink, internally praying that my body would accept it so I don't have to go to any hospitals. I would rather avoid any injections if I could.

"Hey Hawks, can you swallow one?" The taller blond asked, startling me as I didn't know he was back. He handed me a small pill, "pain killer."

I nodded and swallowed the pill with a small gulp from the jello juice, helping it to slide down easily in my dry throat. He then disappeared back from the room he came from and small mutters were heard in that direction. They were talking but I couldn't hear, not over the pounding in my head. Each pound was in sync with my heartbeat, each time throbbing as I swear it made my eardrums vibrate.

Aizawas Pov

"What do we do with him? We have to call somebody." Hizashi whispered.

"He didn't want me too, besides who would we call anyway?" I sighed, glancing at the man on the couch.

"Gee I don't know, maybe an ambulance? Endeavor? The goddam police? I mean hey we did have one of the most wanted villains just fucking drop him off because hey no big deal am I right?" He paced quietly in the bedroom, rubbing his hands on the back of his neck. His face revealed a look of worry mixed with horror, tears slightly at the edges of his eyes.

I lightly grabbed his shoulder and forced him into a tight hug.

"Look Hizashi, I don't know how they found out where we live. Hell I'm not even sure if they know you live with me. But I do know we can't just leave Hawks like that. He needs help." I gestured towards the bedroom door.

He sighed and pushed his face into the crook of my neck and asked, "Is this your way of feeling less guilty?"

I hesitated before nodding slowly. I was unsure if it actually would make me feel less guilty in the end, or if this would stay with me for the rest of my life. Either way I would still help him.

"Besides, where does he have to go and be safe? He doesn't have anyone." I whispered in Hizashi's ear as he leaned back, wiping small tears from the corners of his eyes.

"I know, you're right he doesn't."

"Also," I paused thinking back to earlier, "did I hear you say the F word?"

"Shut it Shota I was stressing out!" He said louder, pushing my arm and laughing.

We both started laughing and walked out of the bedroom back into the living room with Hawks. Bones sat quietly at his feet while he sat on the couch awkwardly. Did he hear us talking? Shit. I lightly smiled at him, my lover doing the same beside me.

I was just about to open my mouth when I was cut off, "So Hawks do you wanna come on a walk with Bones and I?"

The Husky immediately jumped to its feet and excitedly headed for the door. I sighed and smacked at the larger blond's hand, knowing the younger man's condition. Hawk's looked from me to Hizashi with a worried look, backing up the sadness within.

"I c-can, if you want me too?" Hawks questioned.

"I need to bandage your wings, Hawk's, there is blood soaking through." I spoke firmly, knowing he was asking for 'help' in the conversation. Too shy to tell him directly that he can't walk.

"AW SHOTA WHY YOU GOTTA TRAP HIM HERE?" Hawk's quickly covered his ears as I gave a harsh slap to his arm and shoved him towards the door.

"Just go walk your dog, I'll clean him up." I stated. I glanced back at the frail looking man, his blond hair tangled, but his eyes were filled with worry as he hid more behind the blanket from my gaze.

The door opened, allowing the switch of the living to leave the house and filling the front hall with cold air. I followed my lover onto the front steps as they carefully made their way down the icy steps.

"We need to salt this." Hizashi commented, rubbing his foot purposely on the ice.

I huffed in amusement, "I'll do it after I deal with Hawks." I turned to head back in the house before continuing, "Be safe okay? We don't know if any villains are watching."

I opened the door and heard a small whimper from the dog behind me. Not one of us was relaxed. This is going to be a long few weeks.

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