The Last Straw

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Hawks Pov

A lot of what happened after went by in a blur, I wasn't thinking straight: I knew that. I could feel the pounding in my chest, a fast pumping heart overflowing my body with adrenaline, anger and fear. The unclear shouts from the Commission's Special forces, their guns aimed at my back.

"Hands up Hawks!" One shouted, stepping forward. I didn't care, I had my feathers aimed perfectly at their heads from a hidden distance away.

"This...All...Needs to end." I mumbled softly as the feathers lodged into their brains. I could see the blood splattering on the walls nearby. I traced my fingers in the blood pooling on the large round table beside me, the Commission board members all faced down in pools of their own blood with small red feathers in each one's head. There were alarms blazing in the building, but other than that it was silent.

I turned and began my way out to find the commission president; it was her turn to die. The white hair of Mirko came around the corner and stopped immediately, her body followed closely by the number 1 hero.

"Hawks?! What did you do?" She asked nervously, peaking around behind me to see the bodies.

"Something I should have done ages ago." I rolled my eyes, "Now get out of my way!"

"Hawks!" She looked horrified from what I left behind, "You can't just murder people! What kind of hero does that?"

I scoffed. Hero? They didn't want a hero.... They wanted a soldier. I tried to step past as she pulled out handcuffs from her hero outfit.

"Mirko wait." Endeavor spoke up finally. "Come on Hawks... Be reasonable, this isn't you."

"Isn't it?" I glared at him. I mean it sorta is me...

The older man huffed out quietly, trying to sort out his thoughts. I tried to step past again as he blocked my way. The female hero raised the cuffs towards Endeavor, who surprisingly declined.

"We are not going to arrest him." He looked from Mirko to me. She raised an eyebrow and was cut off before she asked the obvious question. "All Might retired. The hero commission is falling apart, and none of the city likes either of us." He pointed towards her. I rolled my eyes as I finally pushed past him.

"But they still like you Hawks. The city still believes in you!" He quickly stated. My body stopped. "They won't know about this."

"I couldn't care less if the city found out or not." I twirled the small feathers I held in my hands like tiny daggers.

"And what kind of pro hero would say that you monste-"

"Mirko shut up! You're not helping!" Endeavor cut the younger hero off with a sharp edge in his voice.

"If I had known what you were going through... What she has done to you. I would have put all of that to an end quickly. I would have helped you."

I scoffed once more as I glared over my shoulder to the man. I could sense his unease from here. "Like you did with your own son?"

His eyes went wide with shock, and so did Mirko's, who looked at the other questionably. The flame man looked sad, and looked to the ground as he fidgeted under my gaze.

"I guess we're all monsters." I mumbled as I heard the older man step forward. His fire around him was completely out; he was completely crushed.

"I get that you're grieving... I am too, but is this really what you want to do?"

"What kind of idiotic question is that? Just tell me where she is." I demanded angrily. There was a slight pause between the two. Did they even know?

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