Knocking On Heaven's Door

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Hawks Pov

I slowly opened my eyes and shifted on a comfy surface, one that wasn't the cold dark and damp room from before. This was much softer, much cozier, much warmer. I glanced around the surrounding area the best I could as my eyes had to adjust, blinking every once in a while to try to rid the unwanted blur. I pushed myself upright and to my surprise I wasn't chained to a wall or even the bed. I shivered and pulled the comforter closer to my chin still feeling the cold deep within my body, knowing full well it'll be days before that disappears.

My stomach grumbled as I tried to get up, only to fall back onto the bed. Am I really that weak? Taking in the sight of my thin legs, legs that had clothes on? I noticed the new pair of dark jeans on my legs that were way too big for my thinned body. As I continued to inspect my legs, I eventually noticed I had a dark sweater on until I realized that Dabi changed me. Everything from earlier came flooding back as I internally panicked.

The door suddenly opened to reveal the slightly blurry outline of the pyro villain himself, momentarily taking my thoughts away.

"Glad you're awake, you slept pretty much the whole day." He said. "Are you feeling better?"

"I don't know," I paused, stopping and thinking what hurts and what doesn't. "I still feel like shit."

He placed a bowl on the table beside me and I noticed it had a dark rectangle. The blurry outline made it hard for me to see it clearly and drew a blank guessing what it was.

"You hungry?"

"No," I replied in a low voice, not wanting to eat something and not knowing what's in it.

"Bullshit!" Dabi raised his voice in the slightest, huffing in response as I only raised my eyebrow at him. I had no energy to fight him.

Dabi picked up the bowl and sat beside me on the bed and turned to face me. He picked up the spoon and dipped it into the unknown substance, which to me looked like it was a mix of flour and water. Or like how pancake mix looks before you add it to the pan. Whatever it was, It did not look appetizing. He gently pulled the spoon away from the bowl, careful not to spill the substance.

"I told you I'm not hungry." As if on cue my stomach rumbled. I sighed and looked away, not wanting to eat or be spoon fed by the likes of him.

I felt a hand grab my chin and turn my head towards him.

"Don't you have a short temper today." I laughed out and immediately closed my mouth before he could stick the spoon into it.

He dropped the spoon back in the bowl and growled out, "I don't have time to play games here, so eat the fucking soup!"

I was utterly confused and shocked. What happened to the cry baby that was overly worried about his prisoner? What happened to the friendly and caring person who literally gave me a bath? Even his dominant side was more mild than it is now.

He huffed out in annoyance before continuing, "I didn't sleep well, okay! I slept on the floor because you were in my bed... You were scaring me because you weren't waking up and I-I didn't know how long you would be out for.  And I thought you would be uncomfortable if I slept with you."

He let go of my face and I was just about to respond before he spoke again. "Not that I would be complaining about waking up in your arms."

I laughed slighting pushing his shoulder, "Says the one who gave my a fucking handjob in the  bathtub."

Dabi then smiled and shrugged before turning his attention back on the bowl of soup in his lap.

"Are you ready to eat now?"

I rolled my eyes at his question, "As long as it's not poisoned."

"You really think I'd poison you after all I have done for you?"

"Oh shut up! It looks poisoned." I responded, looking at the soup again. Pouting in the slightest

It was Dabi's turn to laugh, "No, it's creamy white rice soup, not the most glamorous dish nor probably that good in taste, but it helps the stomach."

"Mmmh creamy." I jokingly said as I grabbed the bowl of soup and fed myself. There is no way I'm letting him spoon feed me.

Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from the table, a ringtone that wasn't mine. Was that a phone? I noticed the black rectangle on the table now had light emitting from it, with Dabi's hand picking it up and walking out the door; leaving me to my soup, which wasn't half bad.

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