Planting The Seed

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Toga Pov

It took a while for the plan to start, a lot longer than Shiggy wanted, making him very upset and angry. The riots in the street caused everything to delay and having to rework the original plan. Taking out all his anger on the poor hero who was kept away from the rest of us for a while. Seeing how uneasy and shaky Dabi was, I could tell he wanted to get in between the birdie and Shiggy. His screams resumed daily as we had to get Kurogiri to stop Shiggy every once in a while, trying not to let him kill him, as he was already near death as it was.

Today was my turn in the plan. The last time I tried leaving here looking like Hawks, I realized how much attention I brought to myself and possibly the rest of the group. I was lucky it didn't completely screw up the plan, nothing was worse than the plan going wrong.

I made my way casually skipping down the back alley ways and closer to the UA prison which housed our 'boss'. Slipping into Hawks' form after consuming more of his blood and casually making my way closer to the entrance.

I approached the doors when two security guards stopped my path.

"Hawks? I thought you were missing?"

"Ahuh, that's what the Hero Comity wants the public to think." I stated, rolling my eyes, trying to be a bit sassy.

"That doesn't make any sense."

"It does when I asked them not to say I was found until I was fully healed. Anyway, mind letting me inside?" I asked, as they moved aside, allowing me to enter. Idiots! Perks of being the number two hero I suppose.

I headed down the winding hallways, carefully not to grab any more attention as I managed to already bump into more security guards.

"H-Hawks?" One of them stuttered.

I sighed, giving him a blank stare until he backed down, as he realized it was just 'Hawks'.

"Are you lost?"

"Actually yes I am, I was supposed to be informed of the whereabouts of each prisoner here."

"Oh you mean the Nomu that we caught?" He replied.

"What Nomu?" I asked curiously.

"The one that attacked you? Come," He smiled, waving to me to follow him, as the other guard walked in a different direction. The casual silence as we walked down more winding hallways made me nervous. Is Hawks talkative in situations like this? Would he walk around already knowing the layout of this place? Questions filled my mind as I slowly moved my hand to one of my pockets. The pocket that purposely held a note and one of Hawks shiny bright red feathers.

"It's in here." The man in front of me slowed his pace, pointing through the glass at the large beast. The same Nomu Shiggy gave to Dabi. It's neck was attached to a thick chain that was anchored to the center of the floor. It's fur was frayed and falling out to what looks like stress, as it was frantically shaking its head to remove the chain. There were two guards standing at the large metal door that housed heavy locks to keep the monster at bay.

"Can it see through the glass?" I asked out of more curiosity. Guess Dabi's Nomu got arrested.

"Normally yes, this glass is designed to change to one way or two way glass, and is also able to stop many rifle bullets from breaking past it."

"Are most cells like this here?"

"Yes, all of them actually. Each one is equipped with cuffs and chains that restrict the prisoners to use their quirks."

I nodded slowly, looking at the buttons on the panel beside the door. Some were on and some were off, some showing little symbols and a numeric pad underneath.

"What's the top button pad for?" I asked, pointing my finger to the symbolic pad.

"Oh that just changes the many features of the cell."


"Like temperatures, the glass, microphones to talk in or out of the cell itself."

"Oh interesting."

"Come let's keep walking."

I nodded as I bumped into something, or someone. Yet no one was beside me. We continued walking around showing me the whole fucking layout of this place, and exactly where All for One was being held. The tour soon came to an end and was left alone in the hallways, exchanging a wave goodbye before he left. But something told me I was being watched, and not by the cameras.

I made my way down the hall to a dead end and stopped in the middle of it, "There a reason why you're following me?"

I heard small shuffles of feet a few meters away from me, and still not seeing anyone. Invisibility quirk?

"Look, I do know you're there, I have Hawks hearing, it's not hard to find you." I said with my normal laugh, breaking the role I was playing as the birdie.

"W-Who are you?" A voice out of thin air sounded. I shifted into my female statue, before happily saying, "My name's Toga... And I have something for you."


"Give me your hands." I said, pulling out the crumbled note and the delicate red feather.

"Actually just take it, I have no idea where your hands are." I commented laughing.

"Just give the note to someone important, as for the feather... Take extra care of it, as it's probably the last feather of Hawks that is still red and untouched by blood or frost." I said, turning into Kurogiri's form to allow my own escape to the downtown bar hideout, where the real Kurogiri awaited.

Dabi Pov

Shig was unhappy with how these past few weeks had been. The riots in the streets were a constant setback for both villain and hero sides. But I couldn't stand hearing his screams throughout the day and Shigaraki kept himself inside the room and allowed no one else in. I normally drank until I passed out, but today was cut short, only allowing myself to have drunk a full glass of whiskey. I downed another glass just as Kurogiri arrived with Toga, who was finally allowed to finish her part of the plan. I drunkenly got up and ran, following the screams until they were loud enough to make my drunken ears hurt. 

"That's enough Shigaraki!" I said, quickly moving down the small hall and putting my foot in front of his. Not allowing Shigaraki to kick him anymore. "Remember, the plan won't work if he dies."

A huff in annoyance was heard from the pasty male, "Is Toga done yet?"

"They just got back." I said, a little tipsy but regaining balance.

A small smile formed on his face just as Kurogiri and Toga finally caught up to me. Kurogiri mentioned something about phase three of the plan and walked off with Shig, leaving Toga with me.

"Hey! Guess what?" She cheerfully announced, "Your Nomu is in prison." I looked at her and her big smile started to fade when she noticed the blood. The blood that dripped down my face instead of tears. I slowly made my way over to the broken bird. His right wing was healing the burns with the help of the cream I secretly kept applying, his body was even skinnier as the only one feeding him was me, and it was hard to sneak food in here in the first place.

I bent down to his level, a foot away from his hanging head. "H-hawks?" I shakily asked. 

Now noticing the blood dripping from his mouth, the constant shaking from the cold as it was well into the cold weather of December. His hair was a dark orange with a mix of silver and blue, the blood mixing with his once blond hair and the small frost that formed on the edges. I carefully placed my hands on his cheeks to pull his head up, looking more closely at him. His eyes were almost a dull shade of a greyish-gold, as if he was beginning to go blind. Bags under his eyes indicating he hasn't slept in a while. His lips were cracked and bleeding, just like his mouth. I skimmed my eyes over his torso, the claw marks on his shoulders were still kept open and bleeding, as they made sure it wouldn't heal as long as he stayed here. His ribs were showing as well as large purple bruises all over, knowing full well that some ribs were definitely broken.

I felt Toga place her hand on my shoulder as I continued inspecting the damage. I moved to his wrists and ankles that were chained, the metal had completely turned white as the frost was heavy on it. The water they kept dumping on him only added more ice and frost to it. His wrists themselves were a reddish-purple where the metal rested against his skin. Frostbite... I felt for his pulse as I continued my gaze to his legs, which were thin enough that he wouldn't be able to walk. I could easily wrap my hand around his thigh and many dark purple patches on his skin showing signs of deep bruising. His pulse was slow and his breathing sounded dry. He coughed until he threw up blood; it's not food anymore as he has nothing left in him.

"Oh Hawks I'm so sorry.." I leaned forward into his shoulder, my arm grazing by the wings I had completely forgotten about. Wings that weren't bright red, but dark red and black. Many feathers scattered on the ground as they began falling out weeks prior. 

"Wh-where am I? Pyro?" Hawks weakly asked, apparently unaware of his situation anymore.

"H-he needs a do-doctor." I said, talking to Toga as I gazed into his once bright eyes. 

"I have an idea. Plus I still have yummy Midoriya's blood. But I'll need your help." Her eyes filled with rising happiness. I nodded and let go of Hawks head, allowing it to gently fall back down as he lost consciousness again. 

"What's your plan?" I asked, wiping the blood from my face.

"We kidnap recovery girl." She replied, a blank stare before saying, "I still have some of Kuro's blood, I can use it to portal into UA, and I can lead her out if I use the last little bit of Midoriya's."

"Save Midoriya's for now, we only need to get into the room and back." I stated, giving her a tight hug.

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