A Hidden Tricky Situation

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Toga Pov

We had failed to break All for One out of prison, and a good majority of our underlings had been arrested. We were not expecting Endeavor himself to be at the prison, and from what I heard from Kurogiri was that everyone had to be on their own, and to make sure you weren't followed and head back to our bar hideout. Something bad had happened and I could feel it. Deep down I hoped they hadn't found out Dabi's plan for the birdie.

I was with Spinner who ended up being arrested and while I'm currently being chased by the Rabbit Hero, Mirko. She was fast and I had to keep turning down dark alleyways to keep her from gaining speed. I was getting tired and had to come up with an idea and when I saw the street leading to the mall, I turned and ran faster. I wanted to lose her in the mass crowds of the mall.

I looked behind me and saw she had slowed down from the crowds, being careful not to hurt anyone who was in the way. Her gentle concern for others was her downfall, I saw her run past as I quietly hung out in a nearby store I turned into and hid in.

I waited many minutes and quickly made my exit from the mall and finally reached the hideout. I walked in and heard a slight groan from around the corner. My curiosity peaked and I poked my head to see Shiggy lying on a table with a few nasty burns on his neck and body, Kurogiri putting some sort of cream on it.

"Wh-Where's Twice?" I asked, looking around for the absent body.

"Dead." Kurogiri filled in, almost being cut off by Shigaraki's little tantrum. "I'm going to kill that motherfucker!" He gritted his teeth through the pain.

"And Dabi?" I noticed he wasn't here either and got worried, I didn't want to think the worst if he died. I knew he was strong and was sure he would be fine, besides his main concern should be not letting the others find out he betrayed them. If Shigaraki found out, Dabi would have nowhere to run and hide; between the Hero's hunting him during the day and Villain's hunting him at night.

"I would assume he's making sure he isn't being followed... What about you? Where's Spinner." The portal man said calmly.

I looked down, "He was arrested. I managed to escape from Mirko's clutches though."

I slowly sat down in one of the comfy booths within the corners of the bar, and waited for Dabi to walk back in. After Shigs passed out, every minute felt longer and longer, soon my wait turned from minutes to hours. I didn't want my hours of waiting to become days and the worry suddenly built up enough for me to ask Kurogiri.

"Do you think he will be alright?" I looked down shyly, playing with my thumbs.

"He'll be fine." He replied calmly, and coldly.

Just then Dabi himself and Mr.Compress walked through the door and sat down quietly. I noticed Dabi's jacket was missing, Kurogiri saw it too, but he was faster at asking what happened to it.

"Had to use it for a decoy. I'm sure I'll find it again somewhere." Dabi shrugged, leaning back onto the back of the booth seats.

"Where's Shigaraki?" Compress asked, standing up. Kurogiri motioned for him to follow to the next room, leaving Dabi and I alone in the booth.

"Don't you look like shit." I commented on his looks, somewhat of a frown plastered to his face like always. His eyes looked tired even during his glare towards me.

"I'm just kidding with you silly." I said, laughing as he didn't say a word.

"I just have a headache, no big deal." He replied angrily, more than his normal tone. Oh dear. I wonder if it's going to come back. I thought, looking down and away from his eyes.

"Hey now Dabi, don't beat yourself up over it. I'm sure Birdie will be just fine." I whispered. He shook his head as his eyes softened.

"Nothing will ever get better Toga. Every time I enjoy or care for someone or something, it's always taken from me. We both know that him and I won't work." He slowly stood up when Kurogiri rounded the corner and stated, "We should be staying here for a bit and lying low before heading back to our main hideout."

"What about Hawks?" I asked, seeing Dabi tense up at the mention of the Hero's name, "Since we are staying here, who will feed him?"

"They don't want to trade him, and we failed to break All for One out of prison so he's no use to us anymore. We can let him starve, or bleed out, whichever comes first at this point. We'll drop his dead body in front of UA afterwards as a warning." Kurogiri said.

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