The Harsh Truth

639 22 12

All Might Pov

I slowly rose to my feet in silence, sadly looking at the two who sat beside me, who remained seated. I walked out of the conference room and continued down the hall closer to the classrooms and other common rooms of UA.

I walked outside into the cold air, feeling it instantly deep within my lungs. I took a deep breath to collect myself, filling my lungs with the freezing air causing it to sting in the slightest. I shivered as the snow fell silently and the wind started to pick up. The snow was almost knee deep and the temperature outside was brutally cold.

"Wherever you are Hawks, I hope you are out of this horrible weather." I mumbled quietly to myself, looking up into the sky as if this message would somehow be carried on the wind and make it to him.

I continued my path to the dorm rooms of the UA students, and entered the building. Most, if not all the children have left for the holidays, minus the few waiting to leave for the Christmas break. I heard mumbling in the lobby and I quickly put on a fake smile, hoping to hide my sadness behind it.

"Young Midoriya! You are still here?" I asked in a light tone.

"Yeah, my mom has to work so she won't be able to pick me until Christmas eve." He replied, scratching the back of his neck like he always did when he felt uncomfortable. "How was that meeting?"

"It was okay..." I frowned, and immediately hid it again before Midoriya noticed. Unfortunately he already had.

"That bad huh?"

"Um it w-" I was suddenly cut off by my phone ringing. Mirko was calling me and I answered, placing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked, waiting for her to reply, shrugging at the young green haired boy as he sat there quietly next to me.

"Hello?" I repeated again, this time removing the phone from my ear and putting it on speaker.

"Is-issh thish All Might?" She slurred out. I heard a soft sniffle as well as a hiccup. Has she been drinking? How did she get drunk so quickly? I thought to myself and immediately regretted that I had put her on speaker. This was not an appropriate thing to teach young Midoriya.

"Mirko this isn't good behavior." I frowned, not knowing what else to say in front of the student, who I'm sure was more excited that he was listening to a conversation between two heroes than her being drunk.

"Wh-whatsh not appropriate-haviour is thaaaaa..." I heard her trail off, and a bottle clanging in the background. "THE STUPID COMITY!!" She yelled, picking up where she left off. I winced slightly at her comment, and figured I should make this conversion more private.

I was just about to click the speaker mode off when Midoriya grabbed the phone before I could do anything, making sure he was able to hear the full conversion. His eyes were puzzled and his face was in slight confusion.

"Mirko please be reasonable, th-"

"But why? Why w-would they do that?" Mirko cut me off, speaking less slurred, but was still stuttering. "You know Hawks would never give up on a search. Especially if it's one of his friends." She started crying over the phone.

"I'm sure they have their reasons for discontinuing the search." Young Midoriya said politely, but looking at me with a saddened expression. He knew exactly what the meeting was about.

"We should do that plan, you know, the Nomu o-" I quickly hung up the phone before she could share Aizawa's plan from before. With how she was acting now, I'm sure she would figure out a way to pull it off. I also didn't want young Midoriya to know as he normally comes up with smart yet risky rescue missions like what they had done with young Bakugou.

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