Arrested For Interrogation

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Aizawa Pov

I sat angrily on the couch as I heard the footsteps behind me stop. I knew he had seen me.

"What is the-..." I heard the younger blond say before he stopped talking.

"Sit. Down. BOTH of you!" I commanded angrily. I had a glass of wine in hand, poured from a bottle that I had found in the cupboard in the apartment.

"Can we put some clothes on at least?" I heard Hawks ask.

"Sit. Now!" I repeated, emphasizing the word 'now'. The sound of small shuffles made their way over to the couch in front of me. The villain's scars were easily seen as he sat heavily on the couch, Hawks on the other hand nervously sat as he pulled his overthrow further onto his body. I caught a glimpse of the hickey's on his skin before they were hidden away.

"How the hell did you get in here?" Dabi asked with a cold glare.

I pulled out the small key-card for the penthouse from my pocket, "I guess the same way you do."

"What the fuck are you doing?" I asked angrily, more directed at the other hero but the villain answered instead.

"Fucking... clearly."

"Yes I know. I do NOT want to walk in on that again!" I replied, chugging the rest of the glass before setting it on the small table beside the couch I was on. I was surprised the villain didn't snap back.

"When Mic asked you if Dabi had made contact with you... you lied to him." Hawks looked down and away from my eyes before I continued, "Mic believed you, he's very gullible like that. But you know... I thought it was fishy." I leaned forward, placing my elbows onto my knees. Dabi had occasionally looked over to the other.

"I thought 'Hey why not come back and talk, you know, just the two of us? Maybe you felt uncomfortable with both of us and Shinso there.' I did not expect to find him of all people fucking your ass!" I glared at the younger pro hero first, then to the villain before continuing, "And for your sake, you better hope it was consensual."

"Hey! I may be a villain but I draw the line on rape thank you very much!" Dabi growled back.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes. I looked at Hawks as I was waiting for him to explain, but he never did. He just sat quietly with tears beginning to form. I then trailed over to the villain who wasn't paying any mind to me, his focus was on the other. My eyes then caught the bruising on his side and his neck wound. So he was injured just like our report had said.

"Hawks-!" I was cut off by someone entering the apartment. I looked over to see Todoroki and Shinso carrying what looked like pizza.

"Todoroki? Shinso?" I was surprised when they walked in.

"D-Dad?" My son replied and the other stood quietly. They gave a worried look to each other and then over to the older boys.

"Did you two know?" I asked angrily.

"Y-Yeah." Shinso replied and Todoroki nodded.

"For how long?" Great! Just perfect!

Silence followed before I raised my voice again and repeated, "How. Long!"

"Since the first time I stayed with Hawks..."

I pointed to the couch while looking at them. They got the hint and slowly made their way over to sit beside the villain. Dabi had moved over a bit to make room for the other two, I didn't realize right away but I basically had them sit beside one of the most wanted villains in Japan.

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