The Truth Hurts

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Hawks Pov

I sat very still as my mind wandered, the two boys were also left seated as they seemed to have lost their appetite after the others left. At this point, I was quite certain that I would never see Dabi again.

"I-I'm going to go lay down." I spoke softly to the others and made my way over to my room, throwing on some comfy clothes and proceeded to cuddle under the covers. It wasn't the same anymore, the heat from the other male remained in my thoughts only and the cold was below. I eventually drifted off to sleep, but was woken up hours later by a soft knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I mumbled quietly.

"Shinso." He replied, opening the door just a crack and peaked in.

I sat up and looked at him. His expression was one of worry and I just assumed it was from earlier with Dabi and Eraserhead. He glanced back out of the room before heading over beside me and sat down.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly.

"Are you?" He responded quickly.

I looked down at my hands before I spoke, "It was bound to happen sooner or later."

"Are you okay with people knowing about you and Dabi?"

I shrugged and nodded, "I mean it doesn't really matter to me as much... Why?" People see villains and heroes together all the time fighting on the news.

Now it was his turn to look down. He waited for a couple seconds before speaking, "Well... Someone saw you and Dabi together...Like together together... It's on the news..."

"What do you mean?" I paused, already knowing it was recent sightings with the other male. "Like right now?"

"Well I came over to wake you up when we saw it..."

I nodded slowly as I thought. What's going to happen now? Just then the younger Todoroki stepped in my room in a slight panic. He looked at me with worried eyes, like something bad had happened and wasn't sure if he should tell me.

"Hawks..." He paused. I got up and walked over to the boy and rested my arm on his shoulder to comfort him when he spoke up first. "The Comity just announced Dabi's arrest."

"I know, they are usually quick with the news." I replied sadly, I honestly thought it would have taken less time for them to announce it.

Shoto held up a hand to stop me, "No. Not just him...." I looked back at Shinso who was just as confused as I was. "They are arresting you too." Shinso laughed a bit as it was kind of silly even to me.

"For what? Kissing someone in an alley?" He snickered, stopping once he realized Shoto was serious.

"Treason..." The duel haired boy replied.

"Relax you two. I can handle it." I stated before continuing, "I can explain it to them when I get there." I said calming both the boys down just as a loud banging sounded on the door to my apartment.

The two followed me as I opened the door as three large men with guns pushed their way inside. They wore all black and dark purple outfits. Their faces were covered with a black mask and purple goggles covering their eyes. I knew these were the Comity's special forces, aiding my boss's underground lab work. I remember them quite well as they helped her force children to be emotionless fighters, including myself.

"Woah hold on!" I said as the first one kicked the back of my knees and dropped me to the floor. My eyes widened as the two kids were held at gunpoint by the other two large men. They forced their hands up and kneeled on the ground as instructed, my view lost them as they kneeled behind the couch.

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