~chapter one~

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tw- censored f-slur. homophobia. also some creep.

George's POV

Out of anything that could have happened today, the worst thing did. Here I am, sitting alone on the dark oak wooden stool, with a single kitchen island light on. I looked at the clock on the wall, 12:01 a.m.

Dreadful silence filled my dark apartment, aside from the single light. I could feel the salty streams sliding down my face, but  I couldn't feel anything else.

My vision was blurred as I stared down at the cold, smooth marble surface. With one hand trying to hold my phone without dropping it, and the other barely holding a vanilla cupcake with blue frosting.

Four Hours Ago

Okay, you can do this George. You have had dinner with your parents every Sunday ever since you moved out. There is absolutely no reason to be scared. 

I mean that is unless I wasn't about to come out to my parents. But they would accept me, right?

"George! Honey are you okay? You have been standing there for two minutes?" His mother asked, worry filled in her eyes.

I've been standing here for two minutes? What the hell.

"Oh sorry mom I just zoned out. So what are we having for dinner?" I asked with a smile on my face. I nervously walked in and kicked off my shoes to the side. I noticed all the family photos have been cleaned recently. All of them except for my small amount. Everyone in this family knew Nora was the star of the family.

Nora is my older sister, while I'm 22 years old, Nora is 25. My parents would always overlook every bad thing she did, and she always had the spotlight. She is married to the perfect husband, with two beautiful kids. Sometimes my parents would forget about me like if I never existed. I mean, they did admit I was a mistake when they both got drunk and went into the backseat of-

"Uncle George!" My two nieces came running to me and hugged me.

"Hi Jackson! Hi Jules! I've missed you guys so much! Did you guys have fun at the birthday party last week?" I asked as I stepped back to look down at them.

"George it was so fun, there was so much food and our friends were there!" Jackson giggles as he taps his sister's shoulder then runs off.

"Jackson I don't want to play tag!!" Jules says faintly as she runs towards her brother. I walk into the kitchen where my mother is finishing up the salad by adding croutons and carrots. 

Great. It's the croutons I don't like, but of course it's Nora's favorite. I wonder where dad is.

I take the chicken taco platter and bring it to the dining table where my dad was sitting. He has one knee over the other and a newspaper in his hands. Classic dad.

"Hey dad, how's it going?"

He lowers the newspaper, looks at me up and down, then raises the newspaper.

 "George, shouldn't you have worn something better than ripped jeans and an oversized green hoodie? Plus that's creepy, what hoodie has a big wide white smile."

It was Dreams hoodie. He sent it to me weeks ago and it made me so happy. I remember when he sent it to me. It smelled just like him.

"Oh, yeah sorry dad I was just rushing today from a stream." I say quietly looking at my black and white converse. He lowered his newspaper once more then set it on the table, then suddenly he smiled? Maybe he was finally interested in-

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