~chapter twenty-seven~

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George's POV

I couldn't believe this was happening, he could possibly be so hurt, on his death bed. Sapnap and Karl have been telling me words of encouragement saying he's fine, and nothing could be wrong maybe he helped someone in or something.

But like always, my mind makes me believe the worst. I know he's hurt, and deep down I don't want to believe it. He's taught me how to hope and believe the best in things, so I'm hoping for him that he isn't hurt.

I must have zoned out because once I lifted my gaze that was locked on my lap, I saw Karl and Sapnap looking at me with remorse. When I noticed we weren't driving I looked to the right to see we were at the Emergency Room drop off. My eyes widened and I ran out the car door without bothering to grab my phone nor close the door.

As soon as the slow ass doors opened I ran to the lady at the computer.


"I'm here for Clay? Someone called me here and I-I need to know he's okay." I spoke quickly and desperately.

She only smiled and turned her head to the side. I followed her gaze quickly and there he was standing under the horrible hospital lighting, but he was a sight for sore eyes.

"Oh- oh my gosh!" I went towards him as quick as my feet could take me and jumped into his arms. I didn't bother wrapping my arms around his neck because I knew he could keep me up, so I took the liberty to cup his face with my hands and inspect it carefully to see if anything truly happened to him. "You're- you're okay!" I smiled and hugged back tightly knowing he was safe with me.

"George? I'm here it's okay."

I started sniffling and tried not to cry. I didn't care if I was overreacting, when the woman called me saying his name, my heart dropped.

"Georgie? I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you, my phone died, and I needed to call you to come down. I'm so sorry hun." He held my legs with one arm and put the other on the back of my head holding me as I silently cried.

"Did- did your car break down or something? 

Dream looked away from me for a moment and it was almost like I could see the gears work in his head.

"George, I bought the things I needed for tonight and on my way back I saw a car crash. It was super close to me so I drifted onto the emergency lane, but the two cars didn't look so hot, and I was perfectly fine so I got out to check if they were okay too."

He paused for a moment and he looked strained, sad even.

"Tell me."

"When I looked into the first car it was some dirt bag group of teenagers who were drunk out of there mind, all laughing in the car, but they were fine only a little dazed. So when I saw they were fine, I called 911 then went over to the other car. George... it was your sister and the kids."

My heart dropped.

"Nora? Jackson? Jules? Dream please tell me you are kidding- oh my god. Oh my god!" I quickly hopped of Dream and ran towards the reception lady again. I heard footsteps behind me, then an hand on my shoulder. Dream was here with me, like he always has been.

"Nora, Jackson, and Jules.. what rooms are they in?" The ladies joking expression was wiped clean off her face and she looked down at the papers.

"Nora and Jules  they are in room 204." She looked up and returned to drinking her coffee, it was iced and you could see the condensation forming around it. I looked at her blankly waiting for the last name.

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