~chapter thirty-two~

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tw: implied lime

Dream's POV

It was two days away from thanksgiving and the house was spotless. George and I cleaned the upstairs while Karl and Sapnap cleaned the bottom floor. It wasn't too hard seeing as the bed's in the house was the only thing that needed much changing. George and I delivered the cards this morning to the party guests. We invited my parents and little sister, an old friend of mine and Sapnap's mom. She's flying down here to spend the day with us and Karl. She already knows about the relationship and completely supports.

All I can hope is that they accept George and I, if they don't I will gladly show them the door and what it looks like from the outside.

Speaking of George, we were currently well.... busy to say the least. Or at least have been for a little over an hour. I finally looked to my right to see a panting and breathless George. He is a sight for sore eyes.

"We need to stop doing this so- so often." George giggled and hid himself into my arm.

"Well if memory serves me correct, you came down on me, literally."

"Well how can I resist someone like you?"

"George we just got done please-"

"Okay, okay I'm sorry that complimenting my boyfriend gets him horny."

"Whatever you act like it isn't the same. Want to go shopping for our party clothes and then get Drista's gift that you wanted to get her?"

"Yeah that sounds like a plan I'll go shower in my room and you shower in yours."

"Orrr we could shower together?"

"If I agree to that we are strictly only taking the shower."

"Okay yes that's fine, sounds like a plan."

It was not only a shower.

George's POV

After the shower I slowly but surely made it into my room. That boy will be the death of me.

I went into my closet and took out a nice peach colored crewneck, along with a white colored shirt that would go under. I knew it was peach too because Dream color coded my closet and put small laminated tags above the different colors. It's the little things.

I took out some light washed jeans and hopped into those too, well more like slowly stepped into them but you get the point. I took out my gray Vans to complete the look and I stepped in front of my mirror. I finally saw someone looking back at me, with no disgust, no sadness to follow. I could see the light shine in my own eyes along with my glowing skin. I was no longer the sad little boy who would sit in front of the mirror and cry about myself. I was pretty, beautiful even. I smiled back at my reflection and moved to the side a little to look at myself from all angles. 

Eventually, a tall figure stood behind me with one hand on my shoulder. They had black ripped jeans and a dark green turtle neck, surrounded by a silver chain. It was no other than my boyfriend Dream. Looking at me the way he always has, more specifically the same way I had just looked at myself.

"So you finally see yourself in the way I do?" He whispered pressing small kisses along my jawline.

"I-I do."

"When I walked in, seeing you look at yourself like that, it-it completed something in me I'm not sure how to explain it. But I know it brought me happiness, because you can finally be happy too. Now all we need to work on is the other feeling." He reached over me and pressed his hands against my thighs on top of the jeans.

"You... you do that well enough already, and I love how you aren't afraid to show how much you love me. Like, just look at my closet? You color coded it even if I can't see. You are the best boyfriend anyone could ever possibly ask for." 

"I can't wait to see you use your confidence it'll be ten times hotter."

"I think I can work something out. Anyways you look hot." This time it was him getting a blush on his face looking down. He started muttering something along the lines of 'self control' then walked back into his room.

I giggled then grabbed my phone and wallet that rested against the soft wooden dresser. I tightened my green bracelet that laid on my wrist then walked out of my bedroom door. I saw Dream leaning against his own door that was across from mine, his dark green turtle neck contrasting against the pristine white door.

"Ready to go?"

"Yup!" I popped the 'p' and walked in front of him as he held my hand. He was walking closely behind me and we were met with Sapnap and Karl hunched over couch making out harshly. I didn't think Dream noticed yet seeing as he walked right into my back and spoke out the first letter of what I assumed to be the first letter of 'what' but he quickly stopped once he saw what happening in front of us. I did not want to be the one to acknowledge this but it got heated, and it got heated fast. Sapnap started moaning and Karl began... moving.

"HEY HEY HEY. WE ARE RIGHT HERE." Dream yelled as he saw that session was headed somewhere else very quickly. Karl immediately hopped off of Sapnap's lap and threw himself to the ground as Sapnap quickly grabbed a pillow and placed it over his lap staring with a crimson red face.


"You know what- no. George and I are going out see you later dumbasses." Dream grabbed my hand then led me to the garage where his shiny car stood. We could faintly hear 'come back' or 'nothing was going to happen' as we walked away but none of us had said anything in return. Once we both sat down on the cool leather seats, we laughed as soon as we made eye contact.

"What- what were they thinking?? In the livingroom, WHILE we were upstairs??" Dream managed to say while leaning over the steering wheel.  

Laughing along side him, "I know right! What were they expecting to happen? That was weird." I tucked both my legs up to my chest while the sliver seatbelt was resting against my chest.

"Georgie you are just too adorable."

"Can I have a kiss?" I asked while batting my eyelashes in a joking manner.

"Of course you can." He leaned down slightly towards me then pecked my lips quickly while brushing my cheek as he pulled away. "Okay to the mall we go!"

"Ooh can we get some pretzels at the stand?"

"Oh that sounds amazing right now, with some frozen lemonades."

"Go go go! Drive! I'm hungry."

"Okay okay! I'm going."


Guys thank you so much for 4k views and all the votes. It truly is amazing even when I thought no one was going to read this. I felt so happy that even just 20 people read this and look at the progress :] I really enjoy seeing every single one of your comments it makes my day, don't be afraid to spam them throughout the story I love seeing your thoughts.

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