~chapter twenty-nine~

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George's POV

It was beautiful. 

There were multiple sequoias surrounding medium sized boulders. Then perfectly in the middle, there was a hot spring, or a lake mostly, but it was small. I guess you could informally call it a pool but there were multiple flowers and red mushrooms covered in white spots scattered sparsely.  The air was purely frosty since the medium sized body of water was near it.

"Dream, how-"

"How did I find this place?"

I scoffed at him for cutting me off, nevertheless responding with a nod.

"I used to come here when things got tough in my life, think of it like an escape, my escape."

I merely nodded and began walking towards a nice flat grass patch near some tulips and mushrooms. Dream was obviously right behind me seeing as I heard the bags rustling in his arms.

"And seeing as you and I are... dating I want this to be your escape too. This place is yours as much as it is mine."

I quickly turned around to face him then wrapped my arms around his chest. He immediately wrapped his arms around my waist and held me until I let go.

"Okay, so if it wasn't obvious enough. I brought us a blanket to set our stuff down, snacks like chips, Oreos, sandwiches, water bottles, and swim trunks for both of us."

"This is going to be so much fun Dreamie."

"Okay so while I set up our little area you can go behind that bush and change, I promise I won't look."

"I know you won't, okay I'll be back."

I walked a little out of hearing range, then quickly pulled my pants down, going one leg at a time. They were off, I quickly looked around then jumped out of my boxers. As soon as they were off, the swim trunks were on. Oh would you look at that, they are a disgusting shade of yellow, which means it's green. I walked back to see him already dressed in his blue swim trunks, sitting on top of the beige beach blanket. Although we weren't at the beach, it perfectly fit the occasion.

"Okay hun, so the water is going to be a bit warm, since it's a hot spring... I mean the name says it all but we should be able to handle it."

"Well you certainly changed quickly."

"Of course I did, I'm just too quick with it."

"Never say that again."


It was silent for a mere three seconds then we both burst out laughing.

"Okay surely you have to be hungry? We can eat the sandwiches and chips?"

"You mean crisps?"

"No chips."





"Chips- WAIT HEY." I started giggling as I threw myself on top of him. He quickly grabbed my waist and rolled us over so we were both laying down on our sides as we held each other.

"You know, you never told me you were so good with kids."

"I am?"

"George, you got your niece to speak even when her own mother couldn't. You showed so much patience too it just...." He grew quiet and turned a little pink on his cheeks.

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