~chapter thirty-five~

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Dream's POV

It was thanksgiving morning, and when I say morning, I mean early morning. George and I had just gotten awoken by our alarm clock that was set for six in the morning. You would think for a holiday we could sleep in, but wrong. 

We had too much to do, but the way I woke up, was perfect.

"Georgie! Please." He had been pressing quick kisses on my forehead, cheeks, nose, and occasionally a peck on the lips. Over and over again. We were both a giggling mess and our blankets kept rustling.

"Dreamie please! I don't want to get up soon please!" He slightly jumped on top of me so he was now fully on me, while hugging my chest.

"George, we need to get the livingroom ready the pick up Drista. Remember? The parade starts up at nine, and we need to make the breakfast and little forts."

He seemed to get fully awake and excited by the not so new insight. "OH hell yeah! Thank you for waking me up! I can't wait to set up all the colorful pillows and our blankets, set up the small fairy lights we got for it. And Oh! Setting out drinks in the mason jars we bought and oh my gosh! I almost forgot about the matching pajamas we bought so the five of us could match!"

Gosh, he is so adorable. I can listen to him ramble about anything for hours and never get tired of him or his voice. He looks so heavenly even after a million years of sleeping. Maybe he should have played the role in 'Sleeping Beauty'.


"Hm?" I hummed in response.

"I'm sorry I talk a lot, I didn't mean to-"

"Georgie, I was just thinking about how gorgeous and precious you are I'm sorry. I didn't mean to space out while you were speaking, but I can assure you I heard everything you said. The pillows are in my closet and the blankets are in yours. You go bring those down and wake up Sap and Karl, I'll go set the pillows down and get the fairy lights from the garage."

"Oh-" He blushed but nodded anyways. "Thank you Dream." He pressed a small kiss on my cheek then carefully got out from under the covers. I saw him turn around to look at me and I smiled back at him as he left the room.

I quickly got up and changed into the onesie Georgie got me, it was white with black spots on it, a cow pattern. It was adorable really with the little ears on top, I can't wait to see him in this.

Once I was dressed, I grabbed the three large bags filled with multiple pillows, then made my way downstairs. I guess I took a little longer then expected because all three of them were setting up blankets around the livingroom and they had the matching cow pajamas too.

"Oh hey Dream, Happy thanksgiving!" Sapnap came up to me and engulfed me into a big hug. I felt him grip my shoulder with one hand, and part of my waist with the other. He gives good hugs what can I say.

"Yeah Happy thanksgiving, and to you Karl!" I shouted the last bit so he would hear me, since he was making mini grilled cheese appetizers for the breakfast meal.

"You too! Everything is looking great make sure to get the lights?"

"Yes of course, I'll be right there in the kitchen to help you too, we have let's see. two hours and a half till we pick up my sister, that gives us enough time to set up the backyard, dining room and the breakfast." They all agreed with me so I went into the garage to find the fairy lights we stocked up on. As soon as I walked through the door I was met with a humid cloud of air. 

"Shit dude."

It was the only room in the house that didn't have the direct stream of air conditioner, and it sucked, but good thing no one slept in here. I eventually found the ivory colored lights and walked back into the living room to see the pillows all set up nicely, and trays filled with fruit, chips and the mini grilled cheeses. 

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