~chapter eighteen~

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tw: slight homophobia

Dream's POV

"I'm sorry, WHAT?"

Sapnap and George were putting away the groceries while I sat at the island on a stool.

"Look, I was going to say something before, but we were all really busy with the packing and moving." Sapnap exclaimed scratching the back of his neck.

"Sap, I am so happy for you two, I always knew you guys had something there. It was too obvious, and you said he would take an Uber? " He nodded as George was washing the fruit before putting them away. "We could have picked him up, or you even. An Uber from the airport to here is gonna be more money than it would have been to my old apartment."

"Hm, that's true. I'll pick him up you guys can stay here." He looked at George weirdly but I didn't think much of it. George however turned slightly pink and he put his attention back into the fruits. "I'm gonna go to my room and play some bedwars with Alex."

George finished putting away the groceries then was looking around for something he seemed confused.

"Looking for something?" I asked patiently looking at him. If I'm being honest, he's a sight I'll never get over. 

What? Dream stop it.

"Mm, I had a list on a sticky-note and I thought I put it here." I looked on the floor and there it was his sticky note. When moving the bags it must have flown off.

"Oh it's right here. Hm.. Oh? A decoration list? I'd be happy to buy these for you."

"What? No I can buy it myself what's wrong with you." He started laughing and went to reach for the note in my hands but I pulled back with a smirk on my face. "Are you kidding me? Give it."

"Nope." I stood up as he made his made towards me and I held the sticky note above my head. 

"It's not my fault you're tiny."

"I'm fucking average you dipshit."

"That isn't very Gogy of you."

He started jumping up and down and he began leaning on my arm. "Fucking give it to me." It was this particular jump that made his feet go in between mine, which ultimately lead to him falling down on top of me.

"Well this is an unexpected turn of events."

George looked slightly frozen and now he was very red. It's like he wanted to get up but couldn't so I got scared that he may have gotten hurt. "Wait, are you okay?" He shook his head violently to shock him out of his daze then he began apologizing.

"Oh, Dream I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean to fall on top of you, and yes I'm okay are you?" He looked very cute when he was worried to say the least.

"George, it's okay, I'm okay relax." I started wheezing and he quickly got off of me and stood up wiping his jeans and hoodie off.

He looked a little flustered still but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable so I wanted to change the subject. "Want to come look at my room? I finished organizing and decorating it." His eyes brightened and his wide smile slipped back onto his face.

"Yes!" He slightly jogged up the stairs and I was right behind him. I opened the door for him and let him walk in first seeing as he was very excited.

"Welcome to my room, that just so happens to be across from you." I smiled and he was amazed. My room had a nice white wall and I had a couple plants on the windowsill and room corners. Also on the underside of my bed, I had mini LED strips that also glowed with the big LED rope that ran on my room ceiling. Above my bed I had multiple pictures and fanart and it looked pretty cool. My room also had a lime green beanbag, and a matching blue one next to it. Call me sappy, but I wanted at least one thing in his color, and this seemed fitting. 

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