~chapter thirty-three~

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how are we all doing today?

George's POV

Dream and I had entered the mall a couple minutes ago, maybe twenty or so. We both decided to eat pretty early on so we wouldn't get distracted later on. I got cinnamon bites in a small cup, while he got a pretzel dog. I had never tried it, so as the loving boyfriend he is, he gladly let me take a bite. Okay.. maybe a little reluctantly.


I sighed looking at his pretzel dog. "What!"

"I asked you if you wanted something else and of course now that we both have our food boom, you want mine too." He started laughing as he continued to munch on his pretzel.

"Well I just want to try it! I whined and stuffed my mouth with a cinnamon bite."

"I know hun I'm only joking I don't mind." He extended his arm and the pretzel towards my lip. "Take a bite."

"Okay thank you!" I moved my lips to his cheek and gave him a soft quick peck then quickly bit a piece of his pretzel. "Mm! That's good! It has the perfect amount of salt."

He hummed to my remark, He was still chewing his old bite and finally swallowing. "Yeah it really is. Can I have a cinnamon bite?" He batted his eyelashes then leaned his head onto my shoulder. 

"Of course Dreamy." I picked up the little blue plastic toothpick then stabbed a cinnamon bite lightly before bringing it up to his lips. He parted his lips slowly then let his teeth drag the piece into his mouth. He started humming in content and tapping his fingers on my thigh in a close pattern which I presumed to be the song playing in his head.

I looked up to see the white concrete columns wrapped in white lights all the way to the ceiling. Everyone was laughing and giggling, perfect for the holiday mood. Surprisingly the mall wasn't as packed as I expected before a holiday, considering all the sales. 

I guess we came a the perfect time. 

A while after finishing our snacks and the frozen blue raspberry lemonade, we stood up and wiped our pants from the left over cinnamon sugar.

"Okay can we get the gift for Drista first? Then we can go look for some nice clothes for the party?" I suggested while lacing my fingers in his. He was always so warm and my hand fit perfectly in his.

"Yeah that sounds like a plan, I had an idea would you like to hear it?"

"Yeah go for it, I need all the help I could get." He stopped walking then I faced him directly looking at him.

"Recently my parents and I bought her a pc because she's been wanting to play games with her friends and she's thinking of streaming too with Tommy and Tubbo, to make their own little trio. Possibly a quadruple friend group with Ranboo. "

(This is for the story purpose, I don't even know if Drista wants to stream or not its for ~plot~)

"So I bought her the monitors and they bought her the actual pc parts, So maybe you could buy her like a keyboard and mic? Or even like LED lights for the room. But pick one that's too much for her, my parents and I will get the rest." He spoke strictly at the end, possibly so I wouldn't have to waste a bunch of money.

"Okay yes, yes. One thing."

Dream's POV

We walked out of the store and George had bought Drista a mic, mic stand, keyboard with three different types of key caps, LED lights, and a cool headset that had no wire. It was pricy and I tried to stop him, but let's just say he distracted me...

"I could have at least helped you ya know?"

"No it's my gift to her I wanted it to give it to her, she and I haven't always spoken but she really did me a big favor all those years ago when I couldn't."

This intrigued me and I lifted my head as quickly as possible to try and read him. Instead he looked away and started walking. I quickly walked in front of him and put my hands on his shoulder.

"Wait- wait what is that suppose to mean."

"Nothing, now come on we need to decide what to wear, I already have black dress pants at home but I kind of want to wear a dark green dress shirt-"

"No George, I'm serious please don't change the subject." He looked up at me and looked a little nervous, nevertheless he spoke.

"Look it really isn't that big a deal I don't know why you are so worked up about this."

"Because you said she did you a favor when you couldn't, what does that even mean?"

"It means that when you were going through the hardest time of your life I wasn't there to help you. She- she broke your heart and I was left to pick up the pieces. Me. And I couldn't even hug you for fucks sake!" My heart broke hearing him say that, he felt like he didn't help?

"So I asked the one person who was down there with you at the time. I asked Drista to keep an eye on you, make sure you ate, or fuck, even get up from your bed. And she did."

"George, you helped me through that, you helped me get back to a stable emotional state. You brought me back and made me believe in love again. I didn't need to touch you to feel that love, even if I didn't feel it back then, at least not in the way I do now. Boyfriend's or not, you and I were meant to be together. As much as it helped, it wasn't Drista who kept me going and eating, it was you. I love you George."

"I love you Clay."

I stepped closer to him and tilted my head down and to the side indicating I wanted a kiss. He smiled a bit then went on his tippy toes to connect our lips. Nothing in this world would ever beat that feeling.

"But I definitely agree with you."

"Hm about what?" He asked curiously as we walked towards a fancy clothes shop.

"You should definitely get the dark green dress shirt, I could get a dark blue one or even match with you if  you wanted. I could get a black dress shirt with a dark green tie."

"Oo! Yes match with me pretty please I think that would be very cute."

"Then let's do just that sweetheart."

George quickly looked away from me and I saw his entire face go red. Why?

Oh yeah, new pet name.

"Did little Georgie get all flustered, hm?" He slapped the back of his arm onto my stomach.

"S-shut up bitch."

I wheezed very loudly and he joined me laughing along side me while giving me a side hug. I could feel the right side of my body warm up as he had pressed up against it.

"Okay c'mon let's go get the dress shirts and ties then we can go home and cuddle."

"Do you think we could make some cookies and hot coco while we watched tangled?"

"Is that even a question? Of course we can."



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