~chapter thirty-one~

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George's POV

We were three days away from thanksgiving and the whole house was decorated in head to toe with leaves, pumpkins and turkey stickers. Karl had swiftly moved in as soon as he could when we all agreed to letting him. It wasn't much of an argument since we all wanted him here.

We all helped bring the boxed in the three seperate cars, and he was going to be sleeping with Sapnap. So besides clothing, he doesn't need to bring many things.

After the same day Sapnap brought the question up and Dream gave me.... the set up, We picked up my family from the hospital and brought them to their home.

Dream gave my nieces their gifts along side the flowers for my sister, and they were very happy especially Jackson. However when we invited them over for thanksgiving dinner, Nora declined because her and the kids would be celebrating the holiday with Brandon. Even though he assaulted me, he cared about the kids and they didn't know what happened to me either. I wouldn't want to ruin their view on their dad. But it doesn't matter, the good thing is my sister would be getting a divorce from that man.

I had been doing vacuum in my own room and Dream's,  occasionally swiping the shelfs for dust. I had ruffled every pillow and straightened out the sheets.

Dream was downstairs organizing small, but cute invites for our little thanksgiving party and celebration. I guess it would also count as a housewarming party too, all considering. Sapnap and Karl were out buying teal fairy lights for the orange room to have some contrast for both. Since he would probably be stressing on perfecting the cards, I decided to take a break from cleaning our rooms and went downstairs to find my significant other.

Once I got to the bottom of the stairs and swung around into the living room, I could see him sitting on a kitchen stool slouching over delicately putting leaf and pumpkin stickers on the edge of the cards. 

He had great handwriting so he was using a calligraphy pen with black ink, writing in eligible cursive.

He had the tip of his tongue sticking out and resting against his bottom lip, and his eyebrows were creased and he ended up clicking a pen  against his forehead and looked slightly stressed.

"Hey you alright Dreamie?" I walked up to him and kissed his head while laying it on my chest. He gratefully leaned into me and hugged me with one arm on the side and contently sighed.

"I'm trying to make these card look good hun, it's our first holiday together, and the day you meet my parents and I want it to go perfect. Technically this would be me coming out as well and I just want it to go well." He dragged his hand up and down my back tracing lines with his index finger, and playing with the unused stickers on the island countertop with his other hand.

"Don't worry I'm just as worried as you are to meet your parents. I probably won't meet certain expectations but I'm going to try. And the cards? They look so beautiful and festive no one could have made them better. You and I are going to make the best thanksgiving meal ever and 'Karlnap' is going to help us with the side dishes too. We are going to wake up early, pick up your sister and watch the parade like you guys always do. Then we can drop her off at home so she can get ready while we start and finish off the dishes. From everything you told me, your mom is going to be very supportive and if not, I'm here for you love, okay?"

He smiled and straightened his posture, he kissed me on the cheek then gave me a quick peck on the lips. "You just know what to say every time don't you?" He caressed my cheek and I leaned into it turning my head on the side.

"I learned from the best." I whispered and leaned forward to press a slow soft kiss, on his smooth pink lips. He had been using the vanilla chapstick I gave him so his lips were smooth and flavored like vanilla. Which was soon to be my favorite flavor of all time.

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