~bonus chapter 1~

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George's POV

It's been two months since dream gave me my promise ring, and I've been the happiest I ever could be. Sapnap and Karl had decided to fly out to Texas for the week so Dream and I had been alone for a couple of days already.

I was currently seasoning some bacon bit macaroni and cheese that I would end up baking for the both of us. Meanwhile, Dream was busy frosting the chocolate cupcakes with the vanilla icing. He looked so focused and he even had some flour all over his black t-shirt. I insisted for him to wear an apron or even wear white, but he refused saying he wouldn't make a mess. Look at him now.

He had the tip of his tongue sticking out while piping, and he was hunched over the kitchen counter since he was too tall. He looked so adorable. I hadn't even realized I was just staring at him until I saw him smirking while looking down. He caught me.

"You know George, We're suppose to be making a team effort for our dinner here, and right now it looks like you're staying for the show. Get to work love."

My cheeks burned with fire and I playfully scoffed. "What? I can't admire my adorable boyfriend?"

"There's a time and a place, time and a place." He giggled cutely and started putting chocolate sprinkles excessively. "Wanna help me put sprinkles on them? I still have six more to sprinklee!" He had extended the 'el' sound in sprinkle and started batting his eyelashes at me cutely. Who was I to turn down that offer?

"Is that even a question? Of course I will."

"Come here then." He had extended his arm out for me let me stand right in front of him. He had me caged between his arms and my back was completely pressed against his chest. I looked down to see the plastic cylinder filled with brown sprinkles and I picked it up with four of my fingers, leaving my pinky to slightly float. And as soon as that happened dream engulfed my right hand with his so we would sprinkling the cupcakes together.

"Do.. do you think the mac and cheese-" I took a brief pause because he had started leaving small chaste kisses on the side of my neck. I sighed and relaxed back into him slightly feeling his left hand caress the skin on my waist slightly.  "needs uhm, needs..."

He lifted his head slightly to my ear and he was nibbling on my earlobe now. "Needs what George?"

"More uhm, cheese on top?"

"I think it's perfectly fine the way it is, why don't you pop it into the oven hm?"

He had stopped touching my waist and he moved me to the side so he could finish sprinkling the cupcakes. I didn't want to move though. He was by my side almost every minute of the day but I couldn't get enough of him. I felt him pause next to me and I could tell he was examining me.

"Are you okay?"

I smiled at the ground briefly and hooked my right hand onto his cheek pressing the pads of my fingers onto him. With my gesture he knew what I wanted, since he had lowered his head towards me while I raised mine. When we eventually met, his soft lips touched mine and my left hand played with the back of his hair.

After he stopped nibbling on my lip, he left out a satisfied sound and raised his head again. With both hands gripping my waist, he smiled and looked back down at me.

"I'd say these cupcakes are about done, how about you put the mac and cheese in the oven now since you so cautiously got distracted."

I looked up at him with puppy eyes and his immediately softened.

"How abouttttttttttt, you carry me, and put it in for me!" George giggled and played with the bottom of Dream's shirt.

Dream sighed, "I will never win with you will I."

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