~chapter thirty-seven~

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George's POV

Dream had  left a while ago to drop off Drista at her house to get ready for later tonight and, to say I was nervous was an understatement. I'm going to be meeting my boyfriend's parents in less than four hours and the food wasn't even finished cooking yet. According to Dream, that's how his family does it so I should be fine. But still you can never be too careful.

Karl and Sapnap were still streaming in their shared bedroom so I guess I was left to clean the mess from the parade watching activity. I had already showered and just put on some shorts, that definitely didn't belong to me along side the classic green hoodie with the smile. If I was going to be stressing in these four hours, I will sure as hell be comfortable doing it.

I walked back downstairs to see the mess from the snacks, pillows, and blankets. I started off by bringing the now empty food trays to the sink and wiping crumbs off of the coffee table. I also removed the drinks form their respective coasters and placed them in the sink too. I could faintly hear Karl shrieking and Sapnap raging from their game but I ignored it and went back into the mess. I made sure to turn off the lights and put them back in their correct packaging and moved on to folding the mess of blankets that transformed the living room in the first place.

Slow and steady, I managed to bring them back up into my closet and the pillows into Dream's closet. We would find a good place for them after the holidays, since we bought them for this sole purpose in the first place.

I didn't have to worry about the food too much because Sapnap and Karl both agreed to take turns watching them. So while that happened, I made sure to set up the table outside so it would be perfect. 

The house was currently freezing cold so this hoodie was really working wonders and I felt a certain type of mood. I looked in the bookshelves in my room for a specific book that my boyfriend told me to read. I saw the dark blue cover and carefully looked at the cover that was now in my hands. 'The Lightning Thief' in the Percy Jackson series. I was already a couple chapters in the book and I already loved it. I walked over to my window seat and put a white fluffy cover over me as I read.

I don't know when it happened but eventually I could feel the book press up against my lap and I let my head fall against the window to rest my eyes.

"Just a couple minutes."

Dream's POV

I had just got home a couple minutes ago and I could faintly hear Sapnap and Karl streaming still. I placed my keys in the bowl and slipped my shoes off near the door where all of our regular pairs were placed.


No response.

I walked into the livingroom to smell all the food cooking behind it in the kitchen, and everything was cleaned up. He must have done it by himself seeing as the other two were still streaming. I quickly grabbed a water bottle from the fridge and walked upstairs into my room where hopefully George would be waiting doing something.

When I walked in the room was completely dark and the only light shining in was the few cracks from the semi-shut blinds. "Georgie are you in the bathroom?"

Still no response.

Weird, I thought he would be in my room. I gripped the water bottle and walked into his room to see him snuggled in the corner of his window seat, with a book on top of him semi misplaced. There was a page that was starting to fold so I made sure to straighten it out before placing it back on the bookshelf. I smiled to myself knowing it was one I recommended to him.

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