~chapter twenty-four~

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tw: slight aggression? mentions of depression and self harm scars.

George's POV

No... This could not be happening again. 

He was here, at my doorstep?! How did he even find out where I lived?

My eyesight was starting to blur, and my throat was closing in. It just felt itchy.

He was just standing there, staring at me with no emotion in his eyes. Just watching my chest heave up and down out of fear. No way this was happening again, no fucking way. I had to say something anything I could manage.

"CLAY!" I tried to close the door but he only pushed his foot in the way and slammed the door back towards me. Although he never moved forward and it seemed like he said something I couldn't hear it. 

My eyes were wide and I stumbled backwards breaking my fall with my arms. I started pushing myself backwards coming into contact with the wall. Wait a wall?

Next thing I know I'm lifted up into the air into warm arms, I felt safe again and my senses were coming back to me. I could finally hear my own breathing and I wiped the tears off of my face as I looked up to the person holding me.

It was Dream holding me tightly against his chest, and he was shushing me to calm my tears down. I almost forgot Brandon was here so I quickly looked to the right seeing Brandon being pinned against the wall by Sapnap and Karl.

"If I wasn't with him right now you would be dead." Dream spoke with venom tracing his words.

"I wasn't going to hurt him, I just wanted him to hear me out."

The next person to speak was Sapnap, "Hear you out? No tell me, if Dream didn't stop you what else would you have done to him?" Silence. "WHAT ELSE."

"Brandon!?" It was a feminine voice, and it caught all of our attention. I looked over and saw my beloved sister with an angry expression on her face. Was she going to side with him?

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Nora walked up to Nick and slightly pushed him off before inspecting Brandon's face. After she deemed it to be fine, she slapped him across the face. "You come into HIS house and start something? You came here to fucking apologize not torment him some more."

"I know." Brandon sheepishly replied looking up at us.

"George... I'm really sorry for doing those things to you, and allowing your dad to harass you. I should have been there for you as a brother-in-law." No response. No one said a thing. 

I tapped Dream's shoulder to signal I wanted to be put down. I stepped closer to him than took a deep breath. He inspected me looking up and down, and was searching me face for a response. He sure got one.

I balled up my fist and punched his jaw correctly, leaving him to hunch over and hold his face while wincing.

"Oh! Fucking bitch!" He wailed in pain and got defensive right away, but by then Dream had already stepped in front of me protectively.

"I dont accept your apology and I don't ever want to see you again."

Brandon nodded and walked out the door. It was just us, and Nora in the foyer. She looked back at me and smiled. She ran up to me and hugged me tightly like if it was the last time she'd see me. She put her right hand on the back of my head as we hugged.

"George I am so sorry what he put you through, I couldn't believe it when the hospital explained his situation, and when the security tapes of the diner were passed onto me. You won't ever see him again, actually none of us will."

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