~chapter thirteen~

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George's POV

I woke up up with a weight on top of my legs and left side of my stomach. I was on the edge of the couch laying on my side and the pillow beside me was very big and warm. I don't remember Dream having this pillow yesterday.


Okay George. Calm down. This is not the first time you've slept next to Dream. I mean sure, it's the first time he's RIGHT next to me, and basically on top of me but this is okay. His head was snuggled into my chest, seeing as I was more above on the couch.

Our legs were intertwined too, this is something you'd see straight out of a movie. I'm waiting for the third wheel to walk in any moment now. Third wheel ... 

"Oh my god Sapnap! Dream wake up!" I was moving his hair around quickly trying to wake him up. He only tightened his grip on my waist which made me faintly blush. I could tell I was blushing with the heat that  was rising to my cheeks. "Sapnap lands in today!!"

He looked up at me with wide eyes. "What time is it??"

"Maybe if you would let go of me I could go check."

"Oh please I doubt you'd want to leave." Okay. I'll ignore he said that.

"Hey Alexa, what time is it?"

"The time in Orlando, Florida is currently 12:18 a.m."

"So I guess you didn't want to get up hm?"

"Oh shut it Dream, did you not hear the time? Sapnap's plane lands at three and we are literally laying on our asses doing nothing. If you haven't noticed there are gummy worms all over the couch, and the pillow and blankets are scattered around too. Let's not forget the sink FULL of dishes."

"You are the best person to be around in the morning did you know that?"

I smiled at his sarcasm and played with his hair in a very gentle way. If I could go anywhere else, there is no place I'd rather be. I feel safe in his arms if I'm being honest.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Mm, nothing I just really like being here... with you."

If it was even possible, his smile grew even bigger but he was trying to hide it. "I'm glad you're here too Georgie. Now let's clean up before Sap gets here." Dream sat up slightly which resulted in me getting up fully. 

While dream was folding the blanket and picking up pillows, I was cleaning malic acid that was left over from the gummy worms, and I snuck a couple too. Now that the living room was all set, we moved onto the kitchen.

We created a system so He would wash the dishes and I would dry them and put them on the drying rack. I was sitting on the counter next to the sink holding the rag while he was swaying side to side cleaning them. He was definitely having a concert in his mind and was not afraid to let me know either.


Yes of course, lyrics to Disney's 'Let it Shine'. It was very cute to say the least, how his long sleeve shirt was rolled up just behind his elbows and his golden locks fell onto his forehead. How can a single person be so.. perfect? He could literally be a monument in society and no one would complain. And his heart? His heart is much bigger than the outer shell that protects it. He's saved and protected me in more was than I can count. Not just the week I've been here, but all those years over the phone too. He's having a good time singing, so why not join?

"Uh, they say true love is blind, that real romance is timeless. You're like my favorite movie, play it and rewind it-"

"GEORGIE" Dream was super happy right now he almost dropped the plate when he heard me join him. 

"YES, yes I know the song Dreamy, now don't drop the plates."

We finished up the kitchen and looked around to see if we needed anything else to clean. We were set on food, but I don't think Sapnap would appreciate sleeping on the couch.

"Should we go buy Nick an inflatable mattress?"

"Yeah we should, and we should go now too since he lands in like an hour or so."

"Alright let's go idiot."

"Is that just my new name?"

"Very much so, let's go... idiot."

He smiled and we were off to Walmart.

Okay definitely the shortest chapter, and it was a filler chapter as you can tell, but don't worry Pandas is going to be here next chapter! Consider voting? :)

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