~chapter twenty-eight~

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George's POV

"He's awake!?"

"Yes, the nurse went to check his vitals and they said he shouldn't be awake yet but thank god he was. Visiting is more rough though, strictly main family only...


"So I can't see him until he's put into a proper room." I was upset that I couldn't see Jackson but it was understandable. I wouldn't want to overwhelm him. My expression was probably showing too much because now instead of holding hands, Dream pressed my back to his chest completely and wrapped one arm around my waist. His head was completely above mine so I knew I wouldn't block his view.

"Yeah, but I promise he's okay. I went to go get Jules so she could see him. Regular visiting hours should be closing very soon anyways, go do something fun I promise I'll call you when you can see him."

"Okay, I guess we have to go home, just call me if anything happens alright?"

"Have a good one."

I stood up straight now instead of leaning on Dream and I faced him. I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then led him back to the elevators.

"Dream, thank you for being here with me. It means a lot, and I'm very glad you are safe too."

"Of course I'll always be there for you, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I wasn't. So, how did you even get here?"

"Karl and Sap drove me- oh my! I completely forgot about Sapnap and Karl they must be worried as hell, I didn't even look back to see if they followed me or not. I had to make sure you were okay." I mumbled the last part then gazed on the elevator buttons.

"I'm sorry I worried you Georgie, but you're right. They must be freaking out." The elevator door opened and we were met with a loud voice near the receptionist.

"I dont care if I'm not family I just want to know where they are!"

The voice we were met with was Sapnap.

"Sap!" Dream yelled as he was faced with a shocked Sapnap. Not even half a second later we saw Karl come in from the waiting room shocked to see us as well.

"You guys are okay?!" Sapnap whisper-yelled as he ran up to us.

"Yeah I'm okay, I'm sorry for worrying you guys."

"And I'm sorry for ditching you guys, I wasn't in the right mindset." I added.

"I'm glad you are both okay but what even happened?" Karl asked while leaning into his boyfriend's chest.

"It's my sister and my nieces. They got into an accident and it wasn't looking to well. But don't worry because we got the most recent update three minutes ago and they are all well and stable. I'll explain the details later but for right now, I would really like to go if that's alright."

"Yeah that's fine, I mean George if you're still up for it we have that date awaiting?" Dream smiled and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"I mean I am dressed for it, let's do it."

"Yeah, I didn't get the chance to take a good look at you but damn Georgie you're looking fine as hell."

"Oh shut up, not as fine as you." 

"O-kay enough with this flirting go on your date." Sapnap exclaimed as he fiddled with the keys in front of Karl's chest.

"Leave them alone Sap it's cute." Karl defended as he pushed himself of Sapnap's chest and grabbed the keys from his hand. Sapnap responded with a fake gasp and hand over his heart.

"Okay lovebirds, since I have my car here and the stuff I'll just take George with me. You guys are now free to go." Dream explained and took my hand in his. We walked out the parking lot towards his car.

"So now are you going to tell me where we are going?"

"Nope." he said popping the 'p' for extra effect.

"Fine no kisses."

He stopped right in front of his car and let go of my hand as he gasped.

"Too far." He looked serious for a moment before he broke out into a laugh which resulted his hands holding his knees as he bent over. I joined him giggling as I hugged him.

"You do look very cute though, I wasn't joking back there."

I blushed but kissed his cheek for the hundredth time today and got into the car. When I briefly looked into the backseat I saw four bags, one more larger than the others. I would look at it while he came around to get in, but I'll let him have his glory.

We were almost getting to the destination, or that's what the gps said at least, and I was very hungry. I had basically ate small snacks throughout the day, but I never had a proper breakfast seeing as... things happened. Then the whole hospital fiasco went down. I hope he bought proper food seeing as the sun would be setting soon.

"Okay we are here. We might have to walk a little but thats fine, two minutes at most."

I looked through the windshield and saw a big forest surrounded by trees, boulders and multiple flowers on the ground. There seemed to be an unnoticeable man made path, and it led somewhere deeper into the forest. 

"Exactly where you're looking, I made that path when I was younger. I made sure not to make it too noticeable, but you are just too smart for that. So again, you might have noticed four bags in the back, I'll carry them while we walk they aren't heavy. No excuses."


"No... excuses... Now come on!  We have a nice evening ahead of us."

"Fine." I stepped out of the car and took a deep breath of fresh air. I could feel it pass through my lungs as my chest rose and went down.

"Yeah, the air is much more clear up here, theres barely any pollution. Which makes it perfect for-"

"DREAM YOU DID NOT." All he did was smile and continue grabbing the bags from the back. "STARGAZING?"

"Yes, and a mini picnic because you literally have to be starving. I know I am."

"I am, I'm so fucking hungry."

"More like hangry."

"Oh shut up you idiot." 

We started walking towards and into the path and as we got closer to the final destination I heard some sort of ruffling. No, not ruffling, water?

"Ready for this George?" I nodded then he proceeded to move a humungous leaf.

Oh my gosh.

It was beautiful.


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1125 words


-Luna <3

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