~chapter fourteen~

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*GUYS PLEASE. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 150 READS? This literally makes me so happy thank you so much?? We are now officially halfway through the story! I originally planned for this story to be 30 chapters, but if I want go more than that I will for sure. I also already have the plot for my next fanfic too, but I wont spoil that :)  The song at the top is only mentioned but give it a listen it's really good. Enjoy the chapter, and consider voting? :]*  

Dream's POV

I felt the rumble of the engine under my feet and the vibrations in the grasp of the wheel. My hair was blowing in the wind and I had sunglasses over the bridge of my nose. It was definitely the best weather to have the windows down with Foreigners 'I Want to Know What Love Is' blasting at max volume.

The only difference this time, is that I have someone in the passenger seat beside me.

I looked over at him while slightly speeding down the highway and the sun was hitting him just right. He looked so pristine and statuesque, and the way he would hug his knees on the seat was adorable. His body was inclined towards me so we wouldn't feel too away from each other, albeit us sitting directly next to each other in a car. I would make fun of him for smiling like an idiot for watching the clouds and cars pass by in a flash, but I was smiling in the exact same way he was. Except for the fact I was mostly watching the road ahead, and him.

Lately I've been feeling weird, something I don't know how to explain in regular English words. But I don't need words right now. All I know is that we are driving to Walmart, then to pick up our beloved missing piece of the Dream Team.

George was humming the song and tapping his fingers on the top of his converse while his head was perked in between the top of his knees. For someone who is 22, he sure can be flexible to fit in small spaces.

I saw the exit we had to take to go back to the main roads that would take us to Walmart so I turned my blinker on to notify the surrounding drivers. I was humming along with George now and we decided to put more songs from Foreigner.

"I think you should definitely invest in an open roof car, it would make this so much more better."

"Would that make you happy?"

"Well yes, but I was mostly joking-"

"Then I'll add it to the list. I'll make sure to buy it in a nice navy blue so you can see it too my precious Gogy."

"Shut the hell up you idiot and get us to Walmart. We are behind schedule to go pick up Sap."

"Anything for you princess."

"I'm going to jump out of this car."

I was expecting sarcasm, but that sent me over the edge, I started wheezing and trying to keep my eyes open for the road.

"YOU IDIOT STOP LAUGHING." He was not a giggling mess, but concerned for out lives. 




"Oh come on, I apologized already. We are in the middle of Walmart looking for an inflatable mattress and you're giving me the silent treatment."


"I'll.... I'll buy you a tub of icecream? And, I can get many toppings like whipped cream, chocolate chips, hot fudge, and OH! Gummy bears! Regular type so it won't spoil the icecream."


"For real?"

"You do realize by the time we go get Sapnap and go home there will be no icecream to put those toppings on."

"Well we can just-"

"I'm not coming back after we pick up Sap."

I got a little closer to him to the point where his back was now against the isle shelf. He was definitely blushing but I wasn't acknowledging that he was very much in my way of the shelf and he had no way out. I looked up on the shelf and saw bags of chips. I reached to the very top to get some Cool Ranch Doritos. By reaching up to the top, our chests were now touching and we were both basically shuddering at the touch.

I pulled them back down and stepped back a bit observing him. He was very red and looked very anxious.

"Will these Doritos make up for it."

"Y-yeah." He grabbed them than through them into the shopping cart while he walked away. The grin on my face was massive now knowing I had the same effect on him in person than I did over calls.


We were now in the car parked at the airport waiting for Sapnap to land. George was quietly munching on the Doritos, back into the same position he had been before. With his knees up to his chest. It was mid-day so it was still significantly bright, and a little hot. We got the mattress, and a couple snacks, and a sandwich for Sap, knowing he would be hungry.

"He just texted me, he's coming out of the terminal and now he's making his way-"


"... George, I can't believe you just said that. He's making his way-"

"Downtown, walking fast, faces pass and I'm homebound-"

"You idiot." He started laughing and munched on more Doritos.

"Dream! Look I think that's him!" George pointed to the windshield in the direction where the third resting Dream Team Member stood, looking as clueless as ever. With that, George threw the Dorito bag on the car floor as he stepped out, and I ran out as well.

"PANDAS!" His head shot up straight at me and he smiled as big as ever. I ran towards him and felt his embrace once again. "Man, I have missed you so much." He gripped around me just as hard.

"I've missed you too brother. Now where is my little Georgie Worgie." Sapnap exclaimed as he let go of me.

"Nick!" George made his way in front of me and wrapped his arms around Sapnap's waist. "It is SO good to see you in person!"

"I can say the same George, I'm so glad we are all here together."

"Well I'm assuming you're hungry and tired? We bought chips, a monster and a ham and cheese sub for you from subway in the Walmart. You can sleep on the way back, but I will be damned if I need to carry you inside the apartment." I lightly laughed as they made their way to the car.

"Hell yeah! Ham and cheese? LET'S GO. And I assume you got BBQ chips?"

"Of course, how could I forget? Now let's get going, we need to eat, rest up, then get us all ready because boys. We are checking out our possible new house tomorrow?? ARE WE NOT?"

"HELL YEAH. I can't believe I'm here, for good."


Consider voting? :D. Make sure to hydrate and eat <3

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