~chapter nine~

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*I just finished reading 'Flowers from 1970' and It's sequel... I put it off for so long and i cried all night lmfao. I feel so empty now, anyways. Thank you so much for all the reads and votes, it means a lot to me :]*

edit: the sequel is made by the same author just click on their account btw :D I'm not sure if it's still there but yes.

Dream's POV

I woke up with George in my arms, he was completely asleep. We hadn't moved from our position from last night. He was so warm and he looked so peaceful, I can't believe he went through all that hurt alone. I know it's harder for him to express his emotions, but he kept that bottled in for years. He seemed so fragile and small compared to me, all I wanted to do was protect him from anything. I'm so happy I got the chance to meet my bestfriend in person, and soon we would be moving in with Sapnap in a house too.

I looked over to my right and the stain steel alarm clock was shining in bright red reading 10:24 a.m. I felt George snuggle his head deeper into my chest, and I assumed he was just a little cold and getting comfy so I brought the cover up more over us and let him sink into me. I decided I would just scroll on twitter for a while, but realized he might be hungry when we wake up since we skipped eating dinner last night. So since we were too close together, I knew if I got up he would wake up. I scrolled through different breakfast diners and ordered us both blueberry waffles with scrambled eggs on the side from iHop. The Uber-Eats would be here in 40 minutes and that was frankly more than enough time to let him sleep.

I was replying to fans on my alt twitter account when suddenly my phone pinged. It wasn't too loud to wake up George but it definitely  startled me. It was a message from Sapnap.


S: Pissbaby.

D: Yes Pandas?

S: Have you heard from George recently? It says he hasn't been on Minecraft or even Discord for  days, and I'm starting to get worried.

D: Sap, George is with me. Here in Florida.


D: Oh come on, it's not like that loser.

S:I know we are making plans to move in with each other soon but I would have liked an invite you idiot.

D: He didn't come here as a vacation Sap. I'll wait for him to tell you what happened but the situation isn't good, he's here in Florida permanently. I've been meaning to talk to you about the house lease.

S: Oh shit is he okay? And yeah we can talk about that whenever, Technically we already have it down since I already signed us up to check it out asap.

D: He will be, and that's perfect Sap, and If you want why don't you pack everything up and come down here whenever you want so we can move in the house. It can be a fresh start for him, hell, for all of us. The Dream Team will finally be together.

S: Flight lands in a week. Wait a damn minute, last time I checked you only had one bedroom.

D: Uh yeah he's sleeping with me.



S: I knew you guys were dating, it was so obvious.

D: Shut the hell up you idiot. Go kiss Karl.

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