~chapter two~

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George's POV

"Happy Birthday to me.."

And as if on cue for the last six years, my phone rang.

Dreamy is calling...



"Thanks dream.." I said it so softly I thought I had to repeat myself.

"..George are... are you crying? What happened?"

I sniffled and hated that he knew me so well. I tried to tell him but nothing but a muffled choked sob came out covered by my hand. But I soon managed.


I heard him sigh then he said, "Okay, then facetime me."


Dream's POV

WHAT. Why would I say that. No you know what. I shouldn't be nervous. It's just George he would never judge me. Plus I know he isn't okay right now. Anything to make him smile.

"R-right now? Are you sure?" He said it ever so quietly. So I decided to just call him through face time.

He answered, and his eyes, they were so small and puffy, as were his cheeks. His eyelashes were wet with tears and he avoided looking into the camera. He was in his kitchen most likely sitting at the island. My screen was still flipped upwards and it was fairly dark so he couldn't see me. But I knew that wasn't why he was avoiding looking at me.

"George look at me." His eyes watered again and he looked up to stop them from falling. But that didn't work because a small drop managed to slide down his perfect porcelain skin. He looked so upset and I couldn't do anything. "George. Look at me." Still nothing.


George's POV

"George. Look at me."

I couldn't do it. I think I would break down even more, even though it was a black screen. I knew he was watching me.


If we weren't in this situation, his sternness would have gave me butterflies. But that wasn't on my mind right now. So I did what I had to. I looked straight into the camera and the rest of the built up tears slid down as slowly as ever. Like if it was truly ripping me apart as each one fell.

"Happy?" I mumbled.

"No, because you aren't. What happened? Weren't you going to your parents house?"

What if he doesn't accept me like they didn't. The only person who knew about my sexuality was Sapnap. However he found out on his own when we were playing Minecraft drunk and I confessed my crush on Dream to him.

"My parents.. They um, they don't want to ever speak to me again. They think I'm the biggest disappointment. Now I think I'm starting to believe them..." I whispered the last part but something tells me he heard because he sighed before saying,

"George. You are not a disappointment. You are my best friend and you get such a good income with what we do. I'm sure with whatever you did, or didn't do to your parents, you aren't a disappointment, okay?" Dream said softly.

".. I wish I could see you." I whispered as I looked down away from the camera.

"Then look up."

Holy crap.

He was stunning. He had medium length hair, that was blonde like the sun. And his eyes, they looked like they were yellow, but I knew they were green. I feel like I could get lost in them. He had freckles all over his cheeks and nose. I smiled unconsciously and I could see his cheeks turn slightly pink.


"Like what you see?"

"Yes." I said with my breath taken.


"W-wait I mean no. O-or maybe. NOT LIKE THAT!"

Dream's POV

"Yes." I smirked and I think he realized what I said because he panicked.

"W-wait I mean no. O-or maybe. NOT LIKE THAT!" He giggled.

"There's that laugh."

His cheeks went a deep red, but then it quickly faded as I saw his eyes water once more.


I was quickly cut off. "Dream I cant stay here anymore. I can't stay here in London. My father's friend owns the apartment complex and they would cut the rent in half. I can't afford it now. I just- I can't stay here..."

I took a second to respond but after quick thinking.

"Come to me George."


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