New Years Eve Special

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George's POV

"You are an absolute idiot you know that?"

"George how was I suppose to know which champagne you wanted?!" I scoffed and hit his shoulder playfully.

"Whatever just put it on the kitchen island." He started laughing and  I walked away into our room.

Our relationship was going great, better than great even. We spend almost all of our time together cuddling, watching movies, making small renovations around the house, everything. 

Now it was a year or so later and it was New Years Eve. We decided to have a nice small gathering with Dream's family and a couple of our online friends. Karl and Quackity would be driving over from their hotel, even though Karl stayed here most night's with Sapnap. Punz would also be flying over, which thinking about it, he should already be here.

I looked around the house to see it completely decorated in gold, black, and white balloons, streamers and dangling decorations. Everything looked amazing and all fancy. We even took out our fanciest champagne and wine glasses.

Dream even insisted on buying the expensive alcohol so we have a "better time". I mean, you can't disagree.

"How do I look?" I turned around to see Dream in a black suit with gold trimmings on the cuff. He even had a shiny gold tie to match with it. Frankly, he looked hot. I could smell his expensive cologne and he was leaning against the living room archway with a present smirk on his face, it went perfect with his sharp jawline. 

"It seems like you already know the answer don't you?"

He walked up to me and he places his hand under my chin lifting it to meet his gaze," But I wanna hear you say it."

Ugh. How is that after almost two years he can make me crumble underneath him? I felt the heat rush to my face and I tried to look down, but the more force I applied the more he put back to keep my head up.

"You look hot, very fancy."

He smiled genuinely and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. His lips consisted of a cherry taste since he had been using the cherry chapstick. When we disconnected he left his hand on my cheek slowly sliding it off.

"Thank you."

"Your very welcome dreamy boy. Now did you take the ham out?"

"Yeah I did before I got dressed. Now how about you go up and get dressed hmm?"

"Yes I just want to make sure everything is perfect! Your family is coming over again and-"

"George, everything is going to be amazing. We're going to drink some wine, listen to music, and have a good time. Okay?"



"Okay, this is gonna be the best New Years ever."

"That's the spirit, and I'll tell you what. You can kiss me at midnight too."

"That was already the plan."


Happy New years everyone! Sorry this chapter is short and rushed I promise better content will come out in the new year :) <3

503 words


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