~chapter twenty-five~

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tw: lime.... 

Dream's POV

I was thinking.

Thinking a lot.

 Yesterday when I heard those words come out from George's sister? I felt my heart crack in half. More than anytime before. He used to hurt himself, the cause of his pain is well known now. But where was I? Meeting up with Sapnap? Just coding away on random nights at ungodly hours, while he could have been across the world having a whole breakdown.

It's the morning after now and he's still in my arms asleep. He is such a heavy sleeper it's scary. His head was against my chest while still being on the mattress, and his right leg was wrapped around my waist. His arms were tightly squeezing my torso and he was as close as someone could humanly be.

He's so perfect, with his fluffy brown hair, dark brown eyes, pale skin. Everything. His kind heart, his compassion, his little giggle, and when he smiles brightly his eyes crinkle in the most adorable way ever. I wanted to do something special with him before the house plans for thanksgiving. A while ago I made a list on places to take him, so I thought I'd combine two of them. I'm going to take him stargazing at my special spot. It's not too far out from the house, but I should prepare some snacks in case he's hungry.

I looked back down at him and kissed his head while trying to stand up so I could shower and get ready.

"MMMMM." He groaned loudly and I tried my best not to break out into laughter. His grip on my chest tightened severely.

"George.. Let me get up? Please?"

"But you are so WARM." He bashed his head against my chest but sat up slightly. However now he was in my lap straddling me.

And there it was. His squinted eyes and the biggest smile I've seen. He put his arms around my neck and kissed my nose softly. I think... I may have melted at the sight. That, or I can feel the blood rushing to my cheeks.

Guess he saw it as well because he started giggling and laid his head in the crook of my neck. His fluffy brown hair was tickling my neck, so I just tightened my grip around his waist and laid us back down. He seemed happy right now.

"I have some plans for us later tonight and I think you'll like them." He lifted his head up and looked at me with a smile. "But I want to go run out and get some snacks for us, you can hang out with Karl and Sap while I'm out." He frowned a bit then quickly laid his head back into my neck.

"You don't want me to come?" He said in fake sadness.

"No no, It's not that I just want to surprise you thats all-" He started giving my neck small kisses getting slightly more aggressive as he progressed, I felt my breath hitch as he reached a certain point. He lifted his head again and looked at me with puppy dog eyes. Fuck.

"I guess I can just go hang out with Sapnap." He mumbled the next part, "Maybe he'd want the neck kisses." He quickly stood up from my lap and walked out the room before I could process what he said. My eyes widened and I suddenly wanted to murder Sapnap. I quickly got up and rushed downstairs to find a brunet sitting on Sapnap's lap.

"I swear if you dont get off right now I'll-" I look at two faces staring at me, Sapnap, and Karl. "Oh sorry I thought you were-"

"Me?" George was sitting on the kitchen counter legs dangling up and down.

I walked up to him and picked him up, while he wrapped his legs around my waist. I quickly brought him upstairs while I sat against the headboard, with him in my lap. Along the way he was muttering 'What are you doing?'s and 'Put me down'. I didn't of course.

"How about... you continue what you were doing.. before?" I said in a low voice staring him down. He immediately got flustered but nodded slightly. I was surprised because I was mostly joking, but hey? Who am I to complain?

He started kissing up my neck and slightly biting, leaving marks behind. I lifted my right hand up to the back of his head to urge him on until he started moving his hips against me.

Now that, definitely got me flustered, I pushed his head slightly back as he continued doing whatever he was doing with his hips and I started kissing his pale neck.

Out of the both of us, George was definitely the louder one in the relationship, seeing how he was softly moaning and panting. I quickly switched our positions so I would be hovering over him while he laid under me. I slipped off my shirt and made my way to his. However I found it was already next to mine on the floor.

I smiled then gave him a passionate kiss on the lips while rubbing his cheek bone with my thumb. I moved it  downwards so it would linger on his plump lips.

"Dream?" He spoke breathlessly and his cheeks were flushed out.

"Yes? Is everything alright? I asked in return with a hint of worry in my tone.

"I-I'm nervous. I've never-"

 "Hey look at me. I know George, I know. And I need you to know I would never make you do anything you don't want to. Look, I'll go shower and we don't need to continue this okay?" I started to slowly get off him but he grabbed my hands and pulled me closer on top of him.

"I don't want to stop." He said softly avoiding eye contact. I know right now wasn't the time to be rough.

"Then we wont." I slightly pecked his lips and he quickly kissed back hooking his legs around my waist. I went back to kissing and sucking on his neck leaving multiple marks. 

While I was working on the pale skin at my disposal, George started working on taking my jeans off, so I decided I'd help us both out. I slipped my jeans off kicking them to the ground while I started on his as well.

Now we were only in our boxers, with our lips kissed out from the making out. While I worked on his lips, I started pressing my hips against him which ended up in him moaning.

"See? Everything's alright. You're alright, I promise."

"Dream I love you."


I stopped everything I was doing. I stopped my hips, my lips, and for that matter so did my brain.


I smiled like an idiot and connected our lips quickly.

"God George I love you too. So much. I'm going to take care of you okay?"

He nodded then I resumed all actions, my fingers lingered at the waistband of his boxers. But I wasn't going to go further and disrespect him.

"George I need to know if it's okay to continue. I promise I wont get mad or upset if you don't want to, I just want to make you feel good and loved. This doesn't need to happen for me to make you feel like that. Icecream and Oreos will do just fine."

He smiled and his cheeks flushed to a shade of red I've never seen. "I want this, I want you, I love you."

"And I love you."

So we continued until we both eventually fell asleep again awaiting night time. 



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1257 words


-Luna <3

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