~chapter fourty~

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hello everyone! I'm sorry it's been so long, I wanted to wait to post the last chapter of Be here with Me. I would like to say there is one more final chapter, but it's more of an epilogue. enjoy the chapter guys :] thank you for coming this far on this journey with me.

Tw: innocent kissing.

Dream's POV

"I'm thankful for the new computer my parents gave me, and for my family of course." Drista so happily giggled.

"I'm thankful for my boyfriend, mom, and my friends too." Sapnap stated while raising his glass. He had promptly put it down realizing more people around the table were left to speak.

"I'm thankful for my beautiful family, and extended family." My mother not so subtlety looked over at George and smiled. "We have all gone through some troubling times in the year and I'm happy we can all get together and celebrate as a family.

"I couldn't have said it better myself my lovely wife. I agree." We all ended up laughing and taking sips from our wine, apart from Drista.

"Well, I suppose it's my turn. You know what they say, best for last. I have to say I'm really grateful for each and every single one of you. I have uhm, I have never really felt at home with my family and they turned me away the second they saw something wrong. However when ever I saw a message or, or I was in a call with Dream? I knew that, thats  what home feels like. This is where I'm safe. I'm really thankful for Dream. He saved me, and most importantly he saved my heart."

Why are my eyes sweating???

"George..." I smiled while discreetly wiping my right eye. "You saved me just as much as I saved you."

"Oh come ON lovebirds, I'm hungry lets EAAAAT!"


"Sorry mom."

"Okay enough let's eat!"

"Pass the mashed potatoes?" My dad practically beamed already holding the gravy.

After an hour of eating and passing around different courses and desserts, everyone else had scattered around the backyard. We all spent more time around celebrating the holiday. It was already super late so I was sure they would be leaving sometime soon. I had just led Drista into my bedroom and tucked her under the covers since she had fallen asleep on our canopy outside. George had insisted I took her in after she kept tossing and turning. 

I had seen George with his little jacket on near the fire, he was alone roasting a marshmallow on a stick. I looked up to see my parents still at the table talking with Sapnap's mom, and the other two lovebirds were sitting on two lounge chairs near the pool.

I walked up to George and wrapped my two arms around his waist tucking them under his jacket and shirt, resting my chin on his shoulder while his whole back was pressed to my chest.

"Hi!" He laughed sweetly and I could feel his back rise against my chest.

"Hello my love. What are you doing here all alone?"

"Hmm, I'm roasting a marshmallow see?"

"Of course I do-"

We were interrupted when the parents came up to us already in their coats and everything.

"Hello my dear boys, we hope we aren't interrupting, but it's time we all head home, it is almost two in the morning now. Clay hun, it's alright if Drista stays over?" My mother asked me while snuggling into my dad's shoulder. Florida nights always seemed to be the coldest time.

"Of course it is, have a good night we'll see you guys soon." And with that, all the guests who had arrived went home beside Karl and Drista. So that meant George and I would have to sleep in his room. Not a problem, I always wanted to sleep in his, the fluffy covers always seem to be so warm.

"What do you say we go up to bed hm? We can clean all of this in the morning?"

"Dreamy, that sounds so tempting it really does. But we can't leave the leftovers out what if an animal eats it and they get sick? Worse if they end up dying because of our chocolate desserts?"

"Okay, okay Georgie we can clean it up don't worry. But then we can go up to snuggle."

He giggled sweetly and turned around to kiss my cheek. "Okay we will get this done much faster if we work together." He dragged my arm and led me to the dining table which was seemingly filled with only the leftovers in their rightful tins. You could almost see the shiny silver disregarding the smudges of potatoes and ham. "Okay spread your arms out, and you're strong so you'll carry it in and I'll stack."

"Aye aye captain." I spread my arms out ready for the first tin, and of course it was the turkey, then the ham, then the leftover potatoes. "Okay okay, George this is getting really heavy, open the door please?"

"Okay let's go! Remember to be quiet for Drista." We walked into the house and set all of the dishes into the fridge and the other's on the counter. 

"I think the other two can handle the rest right?"

"Yeah I think they can, hell they ate most of it."

I wheezed so hard I almost fell over the counter, I mean it's true! They did eat most of it. I think I saw Sapnap eat half the cookie plate!

I walked hand in hand with George and I was already met with my shorts on his bed. I had put them there before I left Drista in my room. I looked over at George and he was already slipping his shirt and pants off into his cute little pajamas. I smiled to myself glad he was comfortable changing in the same room as me.

However as soon as I saw him taking it off I respectfully turned around and began to change on my own. When I was finished George was already slipped under the covers turning off all the lights around us beforehand.

"You're so quick I swear."

"The bed looked comfy what can I say."

I jumped onto the bed and quickly slipped my legs under the cover hearing George laugh quietly. I immediately hugged Georges waist and tucked my face into his neck. He smelled so nice, and his body was cold.

So? What good way to warm it up? Kisses of course. I began pressing small kisses on his shoulder up to his jawline up and down happily hearing him breathlessly sigh. I got closer to him gripping his waist, and I started softly sucking on his neck. I could feel him squirming and hear him quietly whining underneath me.

I knew I couldn't continue this, it had already been a good ten minutes of us just making out and leaving small marks along our necks. He was just so pretty.

"You're pretty. Our fans were right, you do have pretty privilege."

"And they're right to simp over you even without your face, imagine me? Getting to see you all."

"George! You little flirt. Are you sleep deprived or something?"

"Nope. Just tired maybe, it's been a very long day."

"I know love, but hey look. We had our first holiday together, the first to many more until we die."

"That's right, I can't wait for them all either. Dream I was serious about what I said at dinner. It's not that house that makes me feel at home, its you. It's always been you. You are my home Dream, I would be nothing without you. I don't care how many times I have to repeat it. You took me in, brought me across the world to be with you. I'll never be able to say thank you, but I want you to know I love you. But I just have one more request?

"Anything, what is it?"

"Be here with me?"


-1236 words.


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