~chapter thirty-eight~

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Dream's POV

Everything was ready. This was it.

Every appetizer, dessert, and main dishes were all complete. The island was set up with wine glasses and a container of ice along side the multiple sodas. Every candle in the house was lit, and we made sure to keep it one scent, apple cinnamon.

The outdoor table had all the place settings, napkin rings aligned and cake stands ready to go for the desserts. Patches was also dressed in her annual turkey costume and the fans went absolutely haywire when my sister posted her.

Speaking of my sister, she told me they were currently on the way and I could not be more nervous. My parents and boyfriend were going to meet, and not only that, it's my coming out.

If they don't accept him I don't know what I would do, he's my everything now and I need him as much as he needs me. He was currently getting dressed in my room, something about the 'lighting' or whatever. In reality I just think he likes the idea of sharing a room and staying as close as possible to me. Not that I mind, because I want him close to me too.


"Yeah?" I looked up from candle I was staring at and looked over to where he stood in front of one of my mirrors.

"Do you think I should wear the blue tie or the orange one? I think they would both look good with the white button up but I'm not sure what to put. I mean I can see blue and it's always a good color to go with my skin complexion, but then again-" He gasped for air then continued. "orange would be the way to go as well since it's such a classic fall and thanksgiving color. I mean at least I think it's orange it has some sort of a yellow hue- unless it's brown. Oh my gosh Dream is it brown? Then maybe I could go for the blue one, or maybe I can introduce the green-"

 I cut him off.  He was nervous. "Oo-kay. George." I stood up from the bed and walked right over to where he stood and I hugged him from behind pressing a quick kiss to his clothed shoulder. "Yes it's orange, and it also looks good on your skin complexion or whatever you said. Hun, you're getting nervous I can tell, take a breather okay? Everything is going to be alright I promise."

"What if.. what if they don't like me?" He said it so softly I wouldn't have heard it hadn't I been standing so close to him.

"They will, what's not to love hm? Your gorgeous brown locks? Or maybe your perfect pale skin, or how delicately you move?" I pressed a kiss under his ear and moved my finger tips down his arm. "The way you put your own emotions aside for others? Your tendency to care over those you barely know over your self? Or maybe it's those pretty brown eyes who showed me every single possibility to my future, because that's what you are George. You are my future and they can not take that away from us."

We made eye contact in the mirror and his cheeks were flushed with a light pink.

"I love you and no one can change my mind or how my heart works. You, you are my heart George."

He smiled and looked down while picking the orange tie.

"If I'm you're heart, then you're my everything." He whispered and he walked away out the bedroom leaving me smiling like an idiot.

I don't care how deeply we felt about each other in such a unrealistic time set. We've had these feelings burred for years and it was about time they rose to the surface.

A chiming bell quickly snapped me out of my thoughts and daydreams and this is when everything set in.

"Holy shit."

I'm about to come out to my parents and introduce them to my boyfriend.


I smiled than made my way downstairs, making sure to fix my white color that was over the dark brown crew neck. I sped walked to the door and swiftly opened it waiting for the storm to pass.

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