~chapter twenty-six~

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Dream's POV

It was three hours later and George once again was asleep against my chest. He was in a new set of clothes, being my basketball shorts and classic green hoodie. After we, finished our activities. I made sure to give him a bath so he would at least be clean.

It felt amazing, hearing his small noises and pants. And the way he would look away nervously waiting for my reassurance. Which I was quick to provide of course.

I'm glad his first time was with me, I wouldn't want it any other way. And I know I didn't hurt him either because I didn't go rough, so hopefully he should be able to walk. 

I looked over to the linen night stand to check the time on my glowing alarm clock. It was already five, which meant the sun would set in roughly three hours. How do I know? Google. Simple.

I carefully slid out from his side onto the floor with successfully not awaking him. I silently cheered in my head then went into my closet so I could get dressed properly for the store and date.

I took out black ripped jeans, and attached my silver chain to the side of it. I proceeded to go to my turtleneck section of the closet and grabbed a dark blue one. I grabbed my cologne, the one George likes and tapped it onto my neck softly. I also carefully put a silver chain around my neck to complete the look. I walked into my bathroom shortly after grabbing my shoes, and brushed my teeth while making my hair stick up in a good way.

I walked out completely ready to see George sitting on the beanbag with his knees up to his chest. Absolutely adorable.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked not knowing if he's in any pain or not, he seemed to walk across the room just fine though.

He looked up at me and smiled brightly and nodded. "Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." He not so subtly checked me out. "You look hot."

"Not as much as you did a couple hours ago." I kneeled down and put my lips near his ear whispering, "Saying my name over and over again." I looked at him and he was completely red and flustered. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek quickly before standing up completely.

"Um, so did you feel okay?"

"Dream I felt better than just okay, I mean.. you heard didn't you."

Now it was my turn to blush but I nodded. I don't know what I'd do if I hurt him.

"I'm glad you were my first, and hopefully my last too." He whispered the last part but I most definitely heard that. Not even in my past relationships, they would never dare talk about stuff like that, so of course this made me go over the moon.

I leaned down quickly to grab him by the waist to carry him, and he wrapped his legs and arms around me in response so he had extra grip too.

"I love you so much George."

"I love you too." He kissed my lips quickly then jumped down from my hold.

"Okay love, so you get ready and I promise I will be back quick I just need to run to the store like I said before okay?"

"Okay be safe." He smiled and walked into his room while shutting the door behind him. I went down the stairs to see Sapnap and Karl in the living room with smirks on their faces. My room has soundproof there is no way they could have known.

"oHhh DReAM~" Sapnap falsely moaned while gripping the couches.

"J-Just like that" Karl mimicked me as he burst out laughing with Sapnap.

"Shut the hell up I swear. And for the love of god Nick don't say stuff like that to him it was literally his first-"

"WHAT. HE WAS A VIRGIN?" Sapnap yelled loudly.

"SHUT UP." I grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it at his face. "I bet your a virgin too bitch."

"Nope." He said looking away now at the television.

"Well you were before Karl came so." I paused then looked at them. "NO WAY HOW? George and I have been home like almost the whole time."

"First day" Sapnap mumbled and my eyes went wide. They couldn't have been in the house too long after George and I had got home, so I put 2 and 2 together.

"IN THE CAR?" Karl turned red then raised the volume of the T.V. "We are talking about this later. I'm going to the store."

"Get me some monster cans?"

"Sure the white one right?"

"You know it."

I grabbed my wallet and keys then headed out the door.

George's POV

I was looking at myself in the mirror and I felt confident, for maybe the first time in a while. I was wearing black jeans with a dark green crewneck. I made sure to top it off with the white collar under it. I looked down at my  bracelet and played with the little strings that dangled under my wrist.

God what happened a couple hours ago was like a dream. He made sure almost every five minutes if I was okay, and alright with what was happening. 

While he was at the store I decided I would try and look for new computer parts and monitors since I didn't have a set up due to... certain people. I walked back into Dream's room and took his laptop out which was for personal use. I sat down in the green bean bag, and opened up amazon selecting the old parts of my pc that I had.

I was excited for tonight, I'm not sure what he has planned but everything's perfect if he's with me. Everything about him makes me want to scream into my pillow like a middle-schooler. Then I got a call.

*Unknown Number* Is calling...

"Uh.. Hello?"

"You are George right? This is the Orlando Emergency Room."

What? No. Tell me nothing happened to Dream.

"Yes, I-I'm George."

"You need to come down here for someone named Clay. He-"

I hung up. I grabbed my phone and wallet and ran down the stairs with my mind running at a thousand miles per minute. I walked to see Sapnap and Karl at the hospital.

"We- we need to go now." I said with my voice breaking. Both Sapnap and Karl stood up right away with concern laced on their faces.

"Hey? Hey what's wrong?" Sapnap came over and hugged me.

"He's- He's in the hospital." Both their eyes widened and Sapnap grabbed his car keys.  As soon as we all got in, me in the backseat, Sapnap sped off towards the hospital. I looked at my phone and it was now 6:12.


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-Luna <3

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