~chapter thirty~

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tw: lime? (pls D:)

Dream's POV

It was currently a week away from Thanksgiving, and I could tell George was super happy. It was his first thanksgiving in America, and our first holiday together as a couple.

I could not be happier, I'm ready to show off my superb cooking skills and show George I'm the better cook from the two. One thing I am worried for is that I'm planning on inviting my family over to join the four of us. I've always spent the holidays with them and spend the morning watching the parade with my little sister. I know as soon as I tell George, he's going to freak over the thought of meeting my parents. Well, we'll have to deal with that when the time comes, right now, George and I are at a supermarket buying food and decorations for the house.

Like I said, he's excited.

"OH PLEASE DREAM." I sighed. "Come on! It's like a Christmas wreath but for fall! Pumpkins and leaves all around." 

I looked at him for a couple seconds and couldn't find the will to say no. He just has that power over me. 


"YES." He pressed a quick kiss to my cheek and started admiring it.

"Add it along with the millions of fake pumpkins, leaf vines, cornucopias, and turkey stickers for the windows. I'm sure the house will look great."

"Just you wait for Christmas Dreamie boy."

"Can't wait." I said unbothered jokingly. 

"Oh come on~" He extended the 'o' in on and wrapped his arms around my neck slightly making me hunch over. "Do you really, not want to buy these things for our first, holiday?" 

This is not a news flash, he has me wrapped around his finger.

"Of course I do hun, now come on. We still need to get the honey ham and potatoes."

"When we get home... can we cuddle?"

"Georgie, of course we can."

"Good because I miss you touching me."

I stopped in my tracks as my face flushed red, however he just kept walking forward. I don't think he realized what he said. Oh no there it goes, he stopped in his tracks right in front of me and I could see his ears take on the scarlet color.



"Well, I could make that feeling go away." I said with a smirk on my face.

"I'm leaving."

"Oh come back, we are almost done, then we can go cuddle. Hmm, here how about you go to the icecream isle and get us two pints, ill be waiting in line 'kay?"

"Mhm!" He walked off towards the icecream isles and I swiftly pulled my phone out and called Sapnap.

"Yeah what's up?"

"Is it all set up? I asked him nervously. 

"Yeah of course it is, we are just putting finishing touches with the blue LED lights."

"You are literally the best Sap, thank you for doing this for me, he's going to be so happy. I don't know why I didn't do it earlier. Also, do you think if I get Jackson flowers he'd like them? Or should I get him candy? I already got Nora and Jules flower bouquets, (along with big teddy bears), and then for Jackson I'm not sure what he'd want."

"Dream, I'm sure he'd be fine with anything, just get him like a bear and candy."

"Yeah,  you're right I just wanted to get them something for when they come over you know? They get let out at night and their dumbass dad hasn't even gone to visit them once. So George and I are going to pick them up and drop them off at their house."

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